Chapter 19: Mudblood Punches

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I walk down to the Common room the next morning, I see Draco, Pike and Crabbe huddled by the fire smirking, I decide to approach them.

"Good morning boys," I greet in a sing song voice.

"Adori," I hear Pike and Crabbe mutter.

"Morning Clarissa, guess what, the beast is getting executed today!" Draco exclaims excitedly.

"That's great Draco! Are you going to watch?" I reply happily.

"Thanks, and of course we are. Do you want to come?" He asks, I smile at him.

"If you don't mind, I think I need to get away for, the girls and my brother and that, you know," I answer.

"Of course I don't mind, wanna go to breakfast?" Draco beams.

"Sure," I reply. We walk down to the Great Hall. I sit next to Draco for a change, opposite Crabbe and Pike, and on the other side of Cassius. We are all having a laugh when Draco taps my shoulder. I turn to him.

"I know it isn't any of my business, but why did you and Montague break up?" He whispers.

"Come on, let's for for a walk. I'll tell you then," I answer, we give our goodbyes and go for a walk around the lake. He offers his arm and I happily accept it, he's so much more of a gentleman then Graham ever was.

"So, we broke up because he was a possessive, jealous, controlling idiot," I explain.

"Ok, go on," he trails. I sigh.

"He was jealous because I'm mates with you. Didn't you notice whenever we had a conversation he would whisk me away? And, he said he allowed me to be friends with Flint, Pucey and Warrington, like he has power of what I do! He would also try to pressure me into sleeping with him. The day we split he said that he loved me, I didn't say it back because I don't love him. Hell, I don't even like him, never did, there was never even a spark!" I half shout.

"When I didn't say it back, he thought that I had a thing for you, he then proceeded to call me a whore and the Slytherin slut," I continue, looking down. He stops, and grabs my arm, he puts his thumb under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.

"Hey, you're not a whore or a slut whatsoever! So what if you're friends with boys, he can't control you! You're way out of his league," he smiles.

"Thanks Dray," I say quietly, he mutters a your welcome and we just walk around for a while.

Finally, it's time for Buckbeak's execution. Draco and I meet up with Pike, Goyal and Crabbe at the rocks outside the Entrance Hall, there, we have a good view, especially since Draco has binoculars. I lean against the rocks and peer down the hill to Hagrid's hut. I turn a little and see the golden trio coming over to us, I nudge Draco with my foot and motion towards them. He smirks and stands up from where he has been crouching.

"Ahh, come to see the show!" He exclaims. Granger takes out her wand.

"You! You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" She shouts, holding her wand to his neck. I quickly whip my wand out and point it at her. She looks at me and I raise an eyebrow.

"Put away your wand, and we won't have a problem," I warn.

"Come on Hermione, they're not worth it!" Weasley states. She removes her wand and turns around, Draco starts laughing. She swiftly turns around and punches him right in the face. This angers me. Draco holds his nose tightly. I yank her hair, hard, before Draco grabs my hand and we run off.

"Not a word to anyone understood? I'll get that jumped up Mudblood! Mark my words!" Draco growls while we're still running.

"Nice pull of the hair by the way Adori," Crabbe praises.

"Felt nice too," I admit, slightly out of breath.

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