Chapter 7: Quidditch

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It's now our first Saturday and today is the day I will have my first Quidditch practice, and the team will also receive the purchase Draco and I's Fathers made. The new Nimbus 2001, they even had mine emblazoned with my name on the handle, they bought one for every member of the team, these made sure Draco and I would both get a spot, although Marcus already gave us both positions on the team before Father and Lucius even made the donation. We change into our Quidditch gear, get our brooms and have breakfast. My godfather, Professor Snape, grants the team permission to practice due to Draco and I needing it. I become Chaser along with Marcus and Adrian, we have good chemistry so it's bound to work well, Draco replaces Terence Higgs as Seeker, Higgs was bad anyway. The team is now Marcus, Adrian, Draco, Warrington, Tyler and I, there's also a new Beater this year, he's called Graham Montague, he's in the year above Draco and I. We get our brooms and make our way to the courtyard to get out to the Quidditch pitch. There, we see the Gryffindork team, Granger and Weasley heading in the same direction.

"I can't believe this!" I hear Wood mutter, Draco and I hide ourselves behind Marcus and Tyler.

"Flint what are you doing!" He asks getting annoyed.

"Going to practice Wood," Marcus replies nonchalantly.

"No, I booked the pitch for today!" Wood argues. Flint hands him the piece of parchment with our permission on.

"I Severus Snape grant the Slytherin Quidditch team permission to practice for their new Seeker and Chaser," Wood reads out. "You've got a new Chaser and Seeker, who?"

Tyler and Marcus move aside to reveal Draco and I, we both step forward and give a sly, Slytherin smirk.

"Adori, Malfoy," Potter gasps.

"Thats right, and that's not all that's new this year," I say. We show them our new brooms.

"Those are Nimbus 2001s, how did you get those?" Weaselbee asks bewildered.

"A gift from Draco and Clarissa's Fathers," Marcus replies.

"You see Weasley, unlike yours, our families can afford the best," Malfoy spits.

"Well at least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent," Granger speaks up, we did have talent, she has triggered me now. I turn towards her, no one on the team stops me, and they all know I have a nasty temper.

"No one asked for your opinion, filthy little Mudblood, besides what talent is there in swallowing a snitch!" I snap, her eyes tear up, I smirk in victory, the Gryffindorks gasp and Potter blushes in embarrassment. Tyler, Marcus, Adrian and Cassius step in front of me as the Weasley twins lunge for me.

"You will pay for that one Adori, eat slugs!" Ron shouts, he waves his wand at me but the spell emerges from the other end, knocking him across to the perimeter. We all howl with laughter as the Gryffindor team runs over and surround him, as he throws up a slug. We laugh doubly hard at this. Then Marcus hugs me and picks me up, twirling me around. Tyler, Adrian, Cassius and Draco following suit.

"I can't believe you did that Clara. Mudblood, I know you're mean but even that was harsh for you!" Draco exclaims lifting me up and twirling me around.

"Haha, thanks guys, you know for protecting me," I say as Draco puts me down and wraps his arm protectively around my waist. From that we walk to the pitch and practice for the rest of the day, it's really fun. We shower up in the locker rooms and make our way back to the Great Hall for dinner. When we are in there I'm having never ending glares from the Gryffindor table, I finally snap and bang my fist and head on the table. Snape and everyone else notices this. Tyler and Marcus rub my back soothingly.

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