Chapter 6: Back

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*Time skip to the Welcoming Feast at Hogwarts*

We walk into the Great Hall and take our places at the Slytherin table, I place myself in between Tyler and Marcus, Malfoy, his cronies and my gang sat opposite, we make a silent agreement that these would be our seats for the rest of the year. I glance over at the Gryffindor table and notice Granger sitting alone, without Weasley and Potter who are nowhere to be seen. I smirk and chuckle.

"Clara, what is it?" Tyler asks, everyone turns and looks at me. I motion towards the next table.

"Looks like Potter and Weaselbee have gotten themselves expelled, look they aren't at the table!" I exclaim, we all burst out laughing and celebrating. We watch the first years get sorted, and tuck into the feast, happy that we won't have to put up with Potter and one less Weasley this year.

*Time skip to the next morning*

My group and I walk down to the Great Hall in a bit of a formation, me at the front, the other three close behind. I take my seat next to Marcus.

"Morning, where's Tyler?" I greet.

"Morning princess, he's just getting ready, he's taking extra long as he insisted on showering extra long this morning," he chuckles. I roll my eyes and laugh. Soon, everyone else comes and sits with us and I notice two people enter the room, it's Potter and Weasley. I scoff and bang my fist against the table in anger.

"Clara, what's wrong?" Daphne asks.

"Scar head and Weasley are here look!" I snap. They all look at the lion table, gob smacked.

"I can't believe this," Marcus mutters.

"Wait until my Father hears about this!" Malfoy, Tyler and I growl at the same time, the three of us look at each other and smirk.

After that, Malfoy and I make our way down to the Greenhouses for Herbology, our friends close behind us. We are discussing ways to try and get Potter and Weasley out of school for good. We pull our safety suits over our uniforms and file in, I stand in between Malfoy and Daphne. We mess around with the Mandrakes all lesson, they're ugly little things, thank Merlin the hour is over. On our way out, we see Lockhart and Potter signing a photo, Draco and I smirk thinking the same thing. We swagger over to them, our cronies following behind us.

"Handing out signed autographs Pottah!" I jeer cunningly.

"I think Weasley would like a signed photo Potter, it would be worth more than his house!" Draco trails, we all burst out laughing and walk away.

Later at lunch, a scrawny owl flies into the Great Hall with a red envelope. It lands it front of Weasley.

"Look everyone, Weasley's got a howler!" Seamus Finnigan says in a sing-song voice, Marcus and I turn around and laugh as he opens the howler.

"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU TAKE THAT CAR! I'M ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ETIRLY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE WILL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" The letter screeches, I can't stop laughing, Flint has to hold me up for support as I wipe my tears, Goyal doing the same with Malfoy.

Later that night, Tyler, Malfoy and I decide to write letters to our Fathers about Potter and Weasley.

Dear Father,

How are you and Mother? Tyler and I miss you both dearly, neither of us want to come home for Christmas though, we hope you both understand. Anyway, at the Welcome Back Feast, Harry Potter and one of the Weasleys weren't at the feast. We were all hoping that they had gotten expelled and then, the next day at breakfast they were there! It even stated in the Daily Prophet that they came to school by a flying car in broad daylight, got spotted by seven muggles and even flew into the Whomping Willow! Something has to be done Father. I love you and Mother, please right back.

Your daughter xx

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