Chapter 22: The Four Champions

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It's now a day later, I'm sat in my DADA class next to Millicent, I'm absolutely bricking it, Draco is on the other side of me but on the next row of desks, Tracey and Daphne behind us. Mad Eye Moody comes limping into the classroom, he really needs to do a wardrobe clear out and reboot, honestly his robes look at least a century old.

"Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror. Ministry malcontent. And your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye the end. Any questions?" He greets, someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"Now who can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" He asks.

"Three sir," Grangers fat know-it-all mouth states.

"And they are so named?" Moody half shouts.

"Because they are unforgivable, using any one of them will-" she gets cut off by Moody.

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct. The Ministry seems to think that you're to young to see what these curses can do, I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared! And you need to find another place to put your chewing gum other that the other side of your desk Mr Finnigan!" He shouts.

"Blimey, the old cotter can see through the back of his head!" Seamus whisper yells to the person sat next to him. Oof wrong move! I almost feel bad for him. Keyword, almost.

"And hear across classrooms!" Moody yells, chucking a piece of chalk at him from the other side of the room.

"Now who can give me a curse? Weasley!" He half shouts.

"Yes," Weasley utters sounding scared.

"Stand!" Moody orders. Weaselbee doesn't need telling twice. He stands up trembling, looking like he's about to burst into tears.

"Give us a curse," Mad eye instructs.

"Well, my Dad did tell me about one, the Imperius Curse," Weasley stutters.

"Oh yeah, your Dad would know all about that. Gave the Ministry some grief a few years ago," Moody grumbles. He goes back to his desk and picks out a huge, spider like insect.

"Engorgio!" The bug gets bigger. "Impero!" With his wand, he makes the spider fly across the room, on Patil's hand, to Crabbe's head. It then dangles above Weasley, he looks terrified, Draco's laughing uncontrollably.

"What are you laughing at!" Moody snaps at him, he then makes the spider land on Draco's face. Because Draco was kind of next to me, I jump up from my seat away from him, Goyal is trying to swat it off with his book and Draco's screaming.

"Haha talented isn't she! What should we do next, jump out the window! Drown yourself!" Moody cackles then brings the insect back into his hands.

"Scores of witches and wizards, claimed that they only did you know who's bidding, under the influence of the Imperius Curse. Now here's the robbing, how do we sort out the liars," he growls.

"Next curse!" Some people hesitantly put their hands up.

"Come on then, Longbottom is it? Professor Sprout tell me you have a knack at Herbology," Moody speaks. Neville nods.

"There's the um, the Cruciatus Curse," Longbottom stutters.

"Correct, correct! Come!" Moody exclaims and gestures for him to come to his desk, Neville didn't need to be told twice. Moody points his wand at the bug.

"Crucio!" He shouts and all of a sudden the spider is squirming in pain. Longbottom's face looks beyond uncomfortable.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him stop it!" Granger interjects. Moody immediately stops and walks with the spider over to Granger's desk.

"Maybe you'd like to give us the last curse Miss Granger?" He asks annoyed. She shakes her head.

"Coward," I mutter under my breath. He looks at me.

"How about you Miss Adori?" He asks coming towards me and placing the insect in front of me.

"Avada Kedavra," I state bored.

"Very well, Avada Kedavra!" He booms and in an instant, the bug was dead on my desk.

"The Killing Curse. Only one person is known to survive it, and he's sitting in this room," he informs and stands in front of Potter. I rolled my eyes. The bell finally rings and everyone is running for the door. I plainly walk out and yawn like all the Unforgivable Curses weren't just shown before my very eyes.

That evening, everyone gathers in the Great Hall eager to find out who the champions would be. From Durmstrang, it was obviously going to be Viktor Krum. None of the girls for Beuxbatons really stood out, they're all incredibly dim. From this place it would probably be a Gryffindor, they're all about sudden death and all. Dumbledore makes his little speech, I'm pretty sure that ninety nine point nine percent of people aren't even listening, I know I'm not. He then strides over to the cup and withdraws piece of parchment from the flames.

"The Durmstrang champion...Viktor Krum!" He announces. Every cheers, I high five the Quidditch star and cheer along with my peers. Then a blue, elegant piece of paper flies out of the goblet.

"The champion of Fleur Delacour!" He beams. Now it's time for the Hogwarts champion. No Slytherin was stupid enough to enter, anyone who does practically has a death wish. Before we even knew about the seventeen year old rule, I had already made Tyler, Marcus, Adrian and Cassius swear not to enter, if my parents weren't home, I would've made them make the Unbreakable Vow to me.

"The Hogwarts champion...Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore booms. Everyone in the hall roars, wait a minute, Cedric Diggory that name sounds familiar. Oh wait! He's the Hufflepuff seeker and team captain.

"Wait a second, a Hufflepuff, really?" I ask. My friends just shrug. I look at my godfather we lock eyes and I roll them, his attention however, is diverted back to the goblet. I turn to see another piece of parchment flying out. Confused, Dumbledore takes it and reads the name. He murmurs it very quietly in surprise, I can't quite hear who it is.

"Harry Potter," he speaks and looks around the room. My eyes dart to the Gryffindor table, Potter tries to hide but is doing a miserable job of it.

"Harry Potter!" He yells, I see that Granger pushes him forward and he hesitantly makes his way past the teachers. Yells of protest echo throughout the hall, especially from my snake table. Saint Pottah! Always the centre of attention.

A/N: The next chapter is gonna lead to something.

Ruby xx

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