nicki minaj

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after the bell rang, i hurried to my car and drove around to the back of the gyms where kuroo had told me to meet him.

walking towards my car, was kenma and kuroo dressed out in their jerseys and holding their backpacks.

i blushed seeing kenma approaching.
i still wasn't over the butterflies.

to my surprise kuroo opened the back door and got in, while kenma sat in the front.
they closed their doors.
"i'll tell you the way to go". kenma said.

"okay". i smiled.
i started heading off the school grounds.
"follow this road". kenma said as i joined alongside other cars.
"the traffic is really bad, so we'll be in here a bit". i laughed.

"i'm so sore". kuroo groaned.
oh right, they have volleyball practice for fifth period. duh- why else would they be in their jerseys.

"why don't you two drive"? i asked curiously.
"well my parents are living on the other side of town right now with my sister, for job reasons, but i refused to leave nekoma and start over at a new school, so currently i'm living alone at my house, but my parents thought giving me a car while i live alone would be a dangerous choice to make". kenma said.

i gasped.
"you live alone"?! i asked.
"why else do you think we'd be doing the session at kenmas place"? kuroo laughed wildly.

"he's loaded by himself, his parents left all the old furniture, dishes, everything. and they send him money to buy food and snacks every week". kuroo said.

"that's so cool". i replied.
he's so mature to actually go to school and live by himself.

"and why don't you drive"? i asked kuroo looking in the rear view mirror.
"my license is suspended for the rest of the year". he said looking out the window.

i held back my laugh.
"what did you do"? i asked.
"i got into 4 accidents within the first 2
months of having my license so". he shrugged.

my eyes went wide. "you need to stay off the road". i laughed as he pouted.

"what are we even studying"? i asked.
"oh- we just like to hang out really, but i knew you would probably say no if i said hang out".
kuroo replied.
i rolled my eyes.
"well i actually have to catch up on notes, so i'll be doing that".

when kenma told me to turn into my own neighborhood i was very surprised.
"you know i live in this neighborhood too"! i said thinking i might have sounded a little too excited.

"oh really"? he looked at me shocked.
"ME TOO"! kuroo exclaimed hanging on to the front seats.
really- oh my god i never knew they were so close.

after turning through the neighborhood we pulled up into the driveway of kenmas house. turns out he was one street over from me, and they failed to mention that him and kuroo were next door neighbors.

the house was beautiful inside and out.
kuroo was right, kenmas parents left the house fully furnished.
and kenma had kept it spotless.

now entering kenmas room, he flipped the light switch.
kenma had a gaming desktop with a chair, and his entire room had shelves of manga and comics.
it looked like a gamestop in here.

he also had a glass case standing, that held many games, and other consoles that weren't hooked up to his tv right now.

"wow, you're room is so cool". i said walking in behind the two.

"thanks". kenma replied.
kuroo instantly jumped onto kenmas bed and layed down.

i bit my lip and remembered the thoughts i had earlier, about how i would absolutely die if i ever sat on kenmas bed.

"you can sit down". kenma said pushing kuroo over and sitting down on the edge.

i gulped.
this is it.

i walked forward and cautiously sat down on his bed.  it was soft and kenma stared at me.
"you're- bed is soft". i said.
UGH i sound dumb why did i say that.
"oh thanks, i got a good mattress". he said back.

he reached his hands up and pulled the hair tie out his hair, letting it fall.
then he smirked at me deviantly.
i knew what he was thinking about just from that smile.

"i'm bored and hungry"! kuroo whined sitting up and pushing kenmas shoulder.
kenma smacked his lips.
"FINE then go get snacks for us".
kuroo rolled his eyes and stood up.
"you treat me like a pet".
"well then good boy". kenma grinned.
kuroo furrowed his brows.

"i'll beat your ass". he mumbled turning around and walking out the room.

kenma looked at me and i looked at him.
his eyes were sparkling and my heart was racing.

"quick". he whispered.
he leaned in to kiss me and i embraced it.
letting his tongue explore, as my hands touched over his chest and his neck.

he pulled back.
"i can't believe we didn't get to kiss all day". he whispered as we connected lips again.
panting heavily as he teased my boobs by gently rubbing them.

my heart was going to explode.
this whole room smelled so good.
and he still looked like a model even in his jersey.

he pulled away again and smiled at me.
"you're too hot". he said standing up.
he walked over and flipped the fan on just as kuroo came back in the room.

"snacks". kuroo said throwing chip bags and sodas onto the bed.
kenma walked over to turn on his playstation.

"oh god, not this again". kuroo said.
"not what again"? i asked.
kuroo pointed to the tv as a game screen appeared.

"he's going to play this war game, and he never lets me play because he says it will bring his score down".

"OH I KNOW THIS ONE"! i exclaimed.
kenma looked at me.
"yeah you can play". he said.
kuroo huffed. "that's not even fair".

kenmas POV
i knew she could play the game.
that's the game we played together.
she just didn't know she was playing- with me. 😏

oaktree- uh. 

kenma kozume: let's playWhere stories live. Discover now