two daddies in your world 😜

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my dad and kenma actually started to get along. i was so relieved they weren't making things awkward anymore. if my dads phone hadn't rang when it did, i'm pretty sure kenma would be tied up in the basement by now.

"i'm so glad you know about my company"! my dad said patting kenma on the back.
oh yeah- kenma had also moved to be closer to him.. away from me :/

"how could i not"?! kenma exclaimed.
"you know... there's a tournament coming up at one of the gaming arenas i own.
you and y/n should join.
the prize is $1000 cash, and you get your username on a trophy.

kenmas eyes lit up.
"that's sounds awesome"!
"HEY why didn't you tell me about this tournament before"? i asked offended.

"you have to enter with two players". my dad responded quickly shrugging me off.
"i could have found someone". i said back.
"well- i didn't think you had any friends". my dad said back making kenma smile.

i glared at him and he covered his mouth.

"so what do you say"? kenma asked me.
"uh.. yeah why not". i said cheerfully.
cool, a game competition.

"HEY! come see my room". i said amped, standing up. i really wanted him to see my setup.
"well-". kenma looked at my dad.
my dad looked confused and then made a face of realization.
"no son, i welcome you here". he said.
kenma gave a cat eyed smile and stood up to follow me.

when we entered my room kenma told me how cool my setup was.
"it's warm in here". he said somberly as he climbed into my bed and snuggled with the pillows.

i picked one up and threw it at his closing eyes.
"HEY"! he said sitting up.
"you almost got yourself killed, being all- you know- to my dad when you first got here".
kenma rolled his eyes.
"well he likes me now so it's fine".
he smirked and i sat down beside him.
"my dad NEVER lets boys in my room... not even my cousin". i said shivering.
my cousin was really creepy though.
one time i saw him going through my sock drawer and sniffing them... i'm glad dad doesn't let him in here.

"well i guess i'm just cool". kenma said back.
"i wouldn't be surprised if he was listening at the door". i joked giggling.

my door burst open and i had a mini heart attack.
"YOURE RIGHT"! my dad said walking in and laughing his ass off while i caught my breath.
i am so glad i didn't start making out with kenma like i wanted to, i'm also so glad we didn't say anything inappropriate.

"what are you doing"?! i yelled gasping.
kenma started cackling.
my dad caught his breath and fanned his red face.
"just coming to give you guys these".
he pulled two passes out his back pocket.

they were lanyards with vip cards on them.
"for the tournament, these will get you bigger screens to game on, all you can eat snacks, and you get to attend this pre competition game lounge party". he handed them to us.

my eyes were bright with wonder.
a vip game pass?
i looked at kenma who had already put it on.
"you are my favorite person". kenma mumbled to my dad.


"so when is this tournament anyway"? i asked.
"tommorow". my dad said casually.
"TOMMROW"?! i asked back.
"we haven't even had any time to sharpen our skills"! i started to panic. i don't want to look like an idiot in front of everyone there. that's so embarrassing.

"it's fine, you're great at the games sweetie, plus it's featuring a brand new first person shooter game, no ones had time to prepare for it because it's not even on shelves yet".

"but- but- me and kenma haven't even gamed together how are we supposed to practice"?
that was kind of a lie- we did game together once. but i'm not telling my dad i went to kenmas house, especially since gaming isn't the only thing we did.

"well then- how about you stay over"? my dad asked kenma. both of our eyes went wide.
kenma.. stay over? my dad- wants a boy.. to stay over in my room.

this isn't my dad. this is an imposter.

"what do you mean"? i asked shaken up.
"well, if you need to practice. how about you take kenma to get what he needs for tonight and for tomorrow, and he can stay over. then in the morning i can take you two to the center and pick you up when it's over".

my dad actually sounded cool right now.

but- was this a trap?
"what's in it for you"? i asked wondering what was making him be so considerate and welcoming.

"well you get to stay up all night and game with your friend, and iiiii- get to have some quiet time with your mother". i trembled.
i knew EXACTLY what quiet time meant.
i walked in once... i tried to end it all that day.

"gross dad". i said pushing his arm.
"what? i'm an adult- you just- no quiet time for you two, understand"? my dad asked pointing at us.

we nodded profusely with blushing faces.
i'm so glad he couldn't read our minds.

"okay well then, have fun tonight... not too much fun. if i get even a tiny bit suspicious i'm dragging you two out to the backyard and we will all sleep under the stars together". he said that, and then left.

oaktree- sleepover 😦 i wonder. what. will. happen.


so glad to announce my next three and potentially last three haikyuu books for now.
1- kuroo
2- aone (by request)
3- lev haiba.

after this i plan on writing a book about maybe a character  from the brand new sk8 the infinity anime. IS THAT SOMETHING YOU GUYS WANT????

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