oh-so thats strange

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me and kenma sat down on the couch next to the larsen siblings.
me and isaac happened to both be the ones in the middle, and i had to bare the awkwardness of our legs touching together.

"so where are you from"? kenma asked him, peering around me.
isaac smiled... woah, this boy had some sharp canines. they really did look like vampire teeth. if he tried to bite someone it would leave a serious mark, no doubt about it.

"i'm korean". he said.
"are you mixed"? i asked, noticing how kate had a bit more americanized features than him.

"no, me and my sister are full blood korean". he responded. hm- i guess being american is offensive to some people.

"so, where are you from"? isaac asked me looking at me again with those dark eyes.
it felt like he was controlling me to speak to him.
"i'm um- i moved here from america". i said back.
he looked me up and down.
"i could tell you weren't japanese". he laughed taking one of my curls in his hand and twirling it around in his finger.

i could see kenma glaring at him.
he took a deep breath, and then slipped his arm around my shoulder.
good ken- he's getting jealous. how cute.

"so- are you two competing"? kate asked me.
"yeah we are". i said back.
she smiled, "me and isaac are too, so good luck to us all". i smiled back. "yeah good luck".

"so are you two full siblings"? i asked.
isaac turned to me and nodded, then he turned back to kate who was- blushing.
"we sure are, i love my sister". he said wrapping his arms around her and hugging her from the side.

aw- i'm glad there's siblings in this world that get along. god knows when i used to have a half sister i hated her.

"are you thirsty"? isaac asked suddenly, his hand grazing my thigh when he went to put his hand in his pocket. "uh- what"? i asked confused.
"there's drinks". he said pointing to the table behind us.

my face lit up- "OH- yeah". i said looking at kenma. "are you"? i asked.
he shook his head while still staring at isaac.

"i like your outfit by the way". isaac said looking me up and down once more.
i was trying not to blush. don't get me wrong i barely know this guy- but he looked like some kind of k-pop idol, i couldn't help but feel awkward.

"yeah she was rushing to put it on this morning, i practically had to help her get dressed"

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"yeah she was rushing to put it on this morning, i practically had to help her get dressed". kenma said trying to drop some hints.

"oh what are you guys, best friends"? isaac asked with a smirk on his face.
"actually she's my girlfriend". kenma said smirking back.

isaac had no reaction, he just pulled out his phone. i could see a message lit up on his screen.
he sighed.
"come on". he said standing up.
kate stood up blushing red and i was creeped out by her eyes.

"she's shy, but she has to use the bathroom and she needs help finding it". isaac said excusing himself with kate following him out the room. 

i turned to kenma.
"what is with that guy"? he scoffed.
"what about him"? i asked confused.
"he's being so flirty with you, it makes me gag".
kenma rolled his eyes.
"also what kind of name is isaac for a full korean".
"he doesn't look full korean but it doesn't seem like his answer will change". i said wondering why he has such a strange complexion.

"maybe he's not korean". kenma shrugged.
"why would he lie"? i asked. 
"i don't know- to impress girls like you".
i punched his arm.
"shut up, you're the only person that can surprise, or impress me".
"sure". kenma said standing up and walking to the table of drinks.

"did you see his teeth"? i asked.
kenma furrowed his brows.
"why do you have to talk about him".
"relax". i said standing up to be near him.
"doesn't he have vampire teeth though"? i asked.
kenma rolled his eyes again even harder.
"i don't know, why don't you ask him to bite you". he laughed walking back to the couch.

"i have to use the bathroom". i said.
"do you want me to come too"? he asked.
i shook my head.
"nah i think i can navigate".
he pulled out his phone and started texting someone.
so i left the room in search for the bathroom.

after walking out the hall and back into the main area, i saw so many people i was a bit overwhelmed.
but there was a bathroom in the distance that i could see.
it had a sign that said vip only, and i was actually relieved because i was about to piss myself.

i hurried to the bathroom and pushed the door open.
there were so many stalls, and i just went into the first one i saw.

when i was done and came out to wash my hands, i jumped back in surprise a little, to see kate standing there and checking herself out in the mirror.

she was still blushing somehow.
"uh hey". i said trying to start small talk. she looked at me through the mirror reflection and smiled.
"hey". she said back.
her eyes were, filled with lust or something. it was freaking me out to have her staring at me like that.

"so- how do you feel about the competition, are you nervous too"? i asked.
she pulled lipgloss out her pocket.
"not at all". she said as she started to put some on.

"well-"-*buzzz.  i turned surprised to hear buzzing coming from a distant stall.
kate patted down her pockets.
"oops, i left my phone in there". she said.
"oh i got it". i said walking quickly towards the direction.

"OH- NO ITS FINE"- she said hurrying behind me.
i was already pushing open the door when she grabbed my arm aggressively.

my eyes went wide when the stall swung open and i saw isaac standing in there with wide eyes as well- pulling up his pants and fumbling with his zipper.

i stepped back a little... A LOT  shocked.
and when i turned to kate, almost like a flashback i remembered Isaacs sharp fangs, and seeing the bites on kate's neck made me tense up. my head was getting hot and i felt like i just made a big mistake. i wasn't supposed to see this.

i backed up more and kate and isaac stared at me, and at each-other.

i turned around not knowing what else to do, and walked out the bathroom with haste.
once i was out, i started sprinting towards the vip room. i.. needed to tell kenma what just happened.

oaktree-...... is this- incest.
idkkkkk man something isn't right here.

oh yeah- me... i would.

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