rail me daddy k

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kuroo: are you and kenma getting along?

me: uh yeah i guess. we're sitting together so

kuroo: that's great! you should invite him to sleep at
your house. i'm sure he'd love it.

me: what?! no

kuroo: its worth a shot.

me: do you need something?

kuroo: just making sure you like him that's all

me: yeah he's fine. you're being weird.

kuroo: later tiny

i rolled my eyes and put my phone away.
why was kuroo monitoring us?

"so do you play online with a team"? i asked kenma.
he looked up from the book he was reading.
"uh- yeah i play online mostly". he said.
"that's cool - um if you ever want to... my gamer tag is nintendhoe". i giggled. "sorry i know it's a weird name". his eyes were wide open and he put his hand up to his mouth.

"wha- is it my gamer tag?! does that offend you"?!
i asked. he looked so taken aback.
"y-you're, that's your game tag"?
i nodded. "yeah, uh what's wrong i"-
"no, it's nothing i- i'm sorry". he put his book back up and his face turned bright red.

what- what did i say?
was my username obsceen?

i put my book back up and continued silent reading.
he didn't agree to add me back so i guess that was a no then.

after the bell finally rang, kenma told me he would see me later and said he was heading to 5th period volleyball practice.

i said goodbye and waited for him to get up until i left. he was really weird about my gamer tag, so i guess we weren't as similar as kuroo thought.

my fifth period happened to be gym, i'm so happy i bought a sports bra in my bag.
it would be just my luck if i had forgotten it.

i headed outside and walked the gravel path until i reached the girls gym unit.

when i walked in, there were several girls already dressed and stretching, and plenty more going into the locker room.

i followed them and found a spot in the corner, where i put on my black spandex shorts, and a tight fit black sports bra to match, most of the girls only wore sports bras since the classes were single sex, so I did the same.

then i went to sit quietly in the gym as the coach walked out to announce today's activity.

"today we will be doing a mile run". she said as girls sighed and a few of the athletic ones energetically praised her.

personally i think i was in shape of terms of being able to run and stuff, but you wouldn't think i was some track star, the reason i loved these shorts was because it held in my stomach.

honestly, i'm not looking for a six pack.
as long as i can escape a kidnapper i'm in shape enough.

i stood up and followed the crowd out the door.

we met at the track, and i rubbed my shoes on the black rubber realizing this was one of the more expensive tracks that felt a bit bouncy.

the coach put her whistle in her mouth as we all lined up. and when she blew it i took off.

i started somewhere at the back.
but after my first lap, i was second place. 
there was a huge gap behind me and the other girls. but the girl in front of me was close,  i felt like i could beat her if i wanted.

after the second lap i picked up my pace and passed the first place girl, now taking it for myself.
by the third and fourth lap, i was passing people in doubles and leaving them behind me again.

it felt good not to think about anything.. and just go.

i finally reached the coach and she congratulated me.
"since there's a lot of girls still running, would you mind taking this letter to the boys coach"?

i nodded and smiled as i took it for her.
my breathing was fine it seemed.

i stepped inside and felt the cold air hit me.
i don't get it- i never run and i feel perfectly fi-agghneee

i got on my knees next to the door panting and instantly broke out into a sweat.
*gag oh my god my lunch is going to crawl out of me.
what the fuuu-
why did i run! why did i do this! *wheeze.
my throat,.. ITS SPICY*ehhh

i stood up panting heavily, feeling my throat struggle to take in air as i slowly walked towards the boys gym.

their gym was inside the main building.
and i limped down the hall, my body was failing me.

i finally reached the boys gym and opened the door, the volleyball team was standing around and chatting, and as i opened the door they looked at me. i was panting and sweating. and wiped my forehead as i walked in.

i looked around with blurry vision as the gym slowly faded into silence.

i saw kenma from in front of me approaching, he was doing that little jog thing and took my hand. startling me as he pulled me out the gym.

"wait wha-".
he dragged me a little and the door closed behind us.
"wait what are you doing"? i asked.
"why are you here"? he asked back ignoring my question.

"my coach wants to give your coach this". i said holding up the letter.
he took it out my hand.
"okay". he said.
"wait why didn't you let me take it"? i asked.

"because you're not allowed to enter the boys gym in... a sports bra". his eyes quickly glanced down and up again as i realized my cleavage was tearing through this thing like 2 cantaloupes.

i blushed and folded my arms.
"i'm sorry... All the other girls are wearing one". i said backing up from him slightly.
"it's fine, like... just bring a shirt next time when you come inside. Your coach doesn't love you".
i nodded. "yeah- I guess not". i said awkwardly.

"i'm not body shaming you or anything, it's just the rules. they don't bother me at all". he said slightly mumbling and staring at my chest as he waved and smiled. walking back into the gym with the letter.

my blush spread. my whole body was on fire.
kenma... that's all i could think about for the rest of the day. kenma telling me my tits didn't bother him?

oaktree- 🧏🏽‍♀️lets say it together.


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