onesies are superior asf

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as me and kenma pulled up in front of his house, i started to get excited for tomorrow.. and for tonight.
i'd never actually had a sleepover with kenma.

or any boy for that matter.

"come inside". he said as he got out the car.
ok then-
we walked inside and up to his room.

"what clothes should i wear tomorrow"? he asked going through his drawers.
"i don't know, something comfortable". i said.
"how about joggers and a t-shirt"? he asked.
"much better than a full on suit and tie". i murmured laughing and joking about him dressing so formally to my house.

"what should i wear tonight"? he asked.
"what? i don't know. don't you have pajamas"? i side eyed wondering why i was playing the role of his mother dressing him for the first day of school.

"well it's a sleepover". he said.
"yeah, and"? i wondered.
"so shouldn't i wear something- fun"?
"fun"? i raised a brow.
"yeah like a onesie". he said back.

my face lit up.
i started to laugh uncontrollably.
"a ONESIE"?! i asked.

he very seriously walked to his closet and pulled a black onesie out.
"kenma why do you have that"? i blurted.
"kuroo and me used to match for our sleepovers". he said proudly.

"aw my baby". i cooed walking towards him and pinching his cheeks.
"okay OKAY, no onesie". kenma said tossing it to the floor.

"no wear it, you'll be so adorable". i said letting out sharp exhales and trying not to laugh.
kenma sighed.
"it's fine, i can always just sleep naked" he said.
i blushed at that.

"come onnnn, wear the onesie". i begged.
"only if you wear one too". he replied with low energy.
"i don't have one". i said shrugging knowing i had fooled him, when secretly i knew there was an old onesie in the back of my closet.

"that's ok, i have another one". he said pulling another black onesie out the closet.

"uh.." i had no words.
" and kuroo had a lot of sleepovers."


when we finally got back to the house.
kenma carried his duffle bag inside, and i let the thoughts of kenma in a onesie settle in my mind.
yes- adorable.

my dad was sitting on the couch again.
"hey you two". he said cheering up when he saw kenma.
"hey"? i asked.
"so um- i kindly ask that tonight after about 10 you two stay in the room and don't go wandering around the house. me and your mother don't want to be disturbed". he said.

um- well those words deeply disturbed me. please stop telling me you and mom are going to have sex tonight. i do not.. want to go through that again.

"uh okay". i said leading kenma passed him with a disgusted look of horror on my face.

"i think your parents are gonna do it". kenma whispered behind me.
"shut up". i whispered back.
he laughed.

entering my room, kenma put his bag on the floor by the door, and then jumped into my bed instantly getting under the big covers.
"you just own my room". i said.
"i guess so". he said back squirming in the blankets like a cat.

i layed down next to him.
he looked me in the eyes and smiled.
"did you remember your pass"? i asked.

"did you remember to bring your controller so we can practice"? i asked.

okay then...
"did you remember to bring a hair tie"? i asked.
"why so we can kiss"? he purred with a slightly raspy voice. i knew he was already tired.
"no dummy- so you can put your hair up if it gets hot".

"i only put my hair up to make out with you". he said squinting. i got butterflies in my stomach.
he inched closer.
"my dad can come in". i giggled and put my hand on his chest pushing him away.

he leaned in closer.
"that's more fun". he whined with half lidded eyes.
showing he was desperate for a little affection.

i leaned in and locked lips with him.
"mm". he breathed out with enjoyment.
he put his hand on my face and softly ran over it.
he pulled back.
"okay, more at 10". he said panting.

"what happens at 10"? i asked back.
"if you're parents are fucking then we can fuck too". he said smirking.
"ah! i don't wanna think about that". i said repulsed.
"come on, if they're doing it. they won't know we're doing it". he pleaded.
"too weird". i denied him.
"can't we wait until we're at your house ken"? i asked with puppy eyes.

he reached his hand down into his pants making my legs clench together.
"it's not that i can't wait"- he said pulling a gold wrapped condom out his pants.
"it's just that i want to have sex in your bed". he grinned boyishly with those fangs of his. and ran his tongue through his teeth while i got hot all over.

here i am- fangirling.

oaktree- take me here and now ken.
i don't care if they hear.
they're gonna have to tell over the moans.

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