🥶he be iced out

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as i walked to third period, i was utterly shook at lev being on the volleyball team, making kuroo his captain. i even showed him the text, and he started uncontrollably giggling saying he knew exactly who kuroo was getting me to talk to. but he wouldnt tell me who it was.

i found my third period was ms. Chans chemistry class.
and after a lengthy explanation of her class expectations for me, i was sent to do work alone.

this class had single person desks lined in rows across the room. now, for real this time i could focus on some real school work.

*buzz buzz.

i jumped at my own ringer. and reached into my pocket to pull my phone out.
the blush id been fighting all day, now returned.

unknown: hey. still coming to eat with me?

... *tingles

me: yeah
kuroo: okay. we eat on the roof so just grab your lunch and head up. you'll see us, we're the only ones.
me: um- the roof
kuroo: yeah, the team likes it up there.


me: the whole team ?!
kuroo: yes oh my god. just be there after third period.

i put my phone away and burried my head in my arms. meeting the whole team would be so embarrassing.


i anticipated the moment the bell would ring.
students gathered, crowded by the door. waiting for the last few minutes to waste away so they could leave to lunch.

while i stood by the door nervous, with a racing heart and a headache.
i mean.. i had met kuroo of course, but what if his team didn't like me?
what if they thought i was annoying.
or what if... they start to pick on kuroo and say we're dating.

if they teased me i wouldn't know what to do.
i'd probably be a nervous blushing mess.


a loud bell echoed and the door flung open, sending kids rushing to the cafeteria and me walking slowly behind them as more filled the halls.

*deep breath
okay- so i have to go to the roof then.
where are the stairs?

i walked through the hallway looking for... AHA a stairway.

i started to walk up it, realizing my legs were already tired from the day.
i held my backpack tightly, like the straps could hug me back and tell me it was okay.

i finally made it to the top, and pushed open the metal door to reveal no one at all. i stuck my head out the door and looked side to side, but there was no team.

i closed the door feeling defeated.
so.. it was a prank after all huh?

i turned around to walk down the stairs.
i could probably still find someone to eat with i guess.

just as i made it to the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner.

i came face to face with kuroo, and... the entire team following behind him and looking at me.

"where are you going"? he asked laughing.
"i didn't see you.. so i thought-".
"geez, we didn't get our lunch yet, can't you be patient for us"? he asked laughing as some of his team mates did the same.

he pointed to the stairs.
and i turned back around with wide eyes as i obeyed and started to walk back up the stairs.

nekomas volleyball team behind me.

once i opened the door and walked out onto the roof.
i felt the sun hit my face and bathed in the warmth.
as i watched the boys file out one by one.

kuroo, some blonde tall boy, OH LEV, a few other boys, and then... who- is- *cue sexy music

a boy that was the same height as me, he had blonde hair that was black at the roots, he was wearing a black t-shirt and black joggers, but it couldn't have looked any better on him.
he was thin, but he clearly had defined muscles in his arms, and... his eyes... those cat eyes i- i saw them before haven't i?

i watched as the team took seats on the ground and i did the same in between kuroo and a stranger.
across from lev and next to lev... that boy.

i could tell i was gawking at him. so i tried to stop being so creepy.

he was quiet, he hadn't said a word, just watched.
and as i stared at him, he looked up. and we locked eyes.

i quickly looked away and felt my ears burning.

"HEY"! lev shouted from across me, getting my attention. "hey". i said back.
"i'm glad we have a class together". he said smiling.
i smiled back, and uncontrollably kept glancing at the cute boy next to him.

i couldn't help it.
i just HAD to say something. so-

"i think i saw you in the library this morning". i said looking directly at the cat eyed boy, i got so nervous when he made direct eye contact back.

he nodded. "yeah i saw you". he said.
i did my best to smile cutely.
"um- i- i'm y/n, nice to meet you". i said stretching out my hand.

his eyes lit up, and his lips parted like he just had a revelation.
he looked shocked.
"is something wrong"? i asked.
he shook his head.
"no it's nothing at all". he said back.
ok then.

"wow you're actually getting kenma to talk". lev said as kenma slapped his head.

"so you don't talk much"? i asked.
he shook his head no.
"why not? you have a nice voice". i said.. and a nice face.. and body.. oh no i'm loosing it now.

"a nice voice"? he asked as the team got silent.
they were all listening to us.
was it really that rare that he spoke to people?

"yes, your voice is nice to me". i said reassuring him.
he slightly smiled. not much- but i definitely saw it.

"uh- thanks". he said taking his backpack off his shoulders and pulling out a bento.

i was surprised to see he made his own lunch- unless his mom did it for him.

i took my backpack off and pulled out my own bento as well.

"wow, you two are the only ones that pack those things". kuroo said making everyone laugh.

"well i- i just figured if i started packing my own lunch, i wouldn't have to talk to people in line- OR hear them talking about me or anything. honestly avoiding people is my hobby". i said struggling to get my bento open.

i looked up for a split second to see kenma staring at me so hard, it looked like he could see right through me.

he glanced away but i still got all tingly and warm inside.

"you sound just like kenma". kuroo whispered.
that really made my stomach jump.

i was introduced to everyone else, and we started to eat and talk about "last weeks game" and "Janet's new phone with the clear back".

it was fun to have friends again- in person.

but i did keep getting sidetracked on watching kenma. the way he ate so softly somehow.
the way he stared at people so intently when they were talking.

he was just- how do i put this...... hot as.. hell.

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