🏌🏽hitting the bystanders

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fourth period that day was more than awkward.
thank god the teacher assigned us to silent read the whole time, even though catching glances from kenma every 10 minutes was making me nervous.

and fifth period was a walk in the park, the coach said tommorow we would be doing something different, so today we could just relax and use our phones.

after driving home and greeting my parents, minus telling them about kenma, i quickly went to my room and hopped online to game. my only source of relief.

just as i entered my room from eating a delicious dinner. i heard my computer bing.
a notification from the chat room.

i smiled.
my online friend was texting.
even though i couldn't meet him in person, i was glad to have him around for so long.

:-:-:-/-/-:-:-::-:-/-CHAT ROOM-:-::/-/-/-/////-:

nekoma shottie: tell me about your day.
nintendhoe: woah, chill out. what's so important about my day?

kenmas POV:

in all honesty.
i was kind of hoping i could get her to keep talking about me, until eventually she just gave up on hiding it and told "nekoma shottie", all her fantasies.
that would be the best.
having her tell me what she thought about me honestly. without knowing who she was actually talking to.
nekoma shottie: come onnnn. update me. didn't you say you had a crush on kenma?

nintendhoe: you promise not to say anything?

nekoma shottie: i won't tell him anything

(i can't tell him. because it's me. i thought to myself technically not breaking my promise.)

nintendhoe: GREAT UGH i have to tell someone about all this!
so first today, he asked if he could fuck me!
and of course that gave me butterflies.
i mean it's like, yes please take me now. but i cant just say that.

(my eyes widened. Has she been thinking about that all day?)

nintendohoe: and then, on the roof, that's where we eat by the way, it was just us. and he spoon fed me curry. but listen, it wasn't normal. he stood up in front of me and like held my head for me to eat it.
it was like i was sucking him off or something, god i kind of wish i did.

(my heart was beating quicker.
i wasn't sure if she understood my advances at first. but she definitely did.
and- she wished she sucked me off.
that's great to hear too. )

nintendhoe: AND that's still not all!
he was all like. "you want another bite"? and i nodded and he made me close my eyes and take the spoon myself, like it was getting him off or something.

(well... it wasn't really getting me off. but it was nice to see her do that. )

nintendhoe: THEN THEN!
we went to the bathroom together and a teacher came and blah blah- but i totally ended up sitting on his lap and it made me so light headed, i wanted to stay there forever.
and after that he pulled my skirt down for me and he touched my ass i swear.

nekoma shottie: wow you must really think about him a lot or something.

(i honestly did the skirt thing to be nice, but i see now that she was thinking about this all day.
she didn't miss a single thing i did. )

nintendhoe: do you think i'm just making up these feelings in my head? like do you think that he is just being nice and i take it the wrong way?

nekoma shottie: no. it sounds like you should make a move on him.

nintendhoe: really? but what if he thought i was weird or something.

nekoma shottie: i'm sure he wouldn't. i have to go eat now. sleep well.

nintendhoe: night :).

i sighed, and let a grin cross my face.
she's totally into me.


back at school again.
i slept quite well. and honestly getting those feelings off my chest really cleared my head.

first period went by easily.
and second period had me bent over laughing at lev telling awful jokes.

now i grabbed my pass again.
walking to the open back room to do my office aid job.

kenma and kuroo greeted me as i walked in, and seeing kenma really put the color on my face- red that is.

"what's the task today"? i asked.
"we just have to stamp some more papers with the school seal". kenma said standing up from his chair, he walked over to where i was sitting down and sat down next to me.

i looked surprised, as did kuroo.
"hey why did you leave me"!? he asked.
"you're annoying". he said sticking his tongue out at him.

we started to stamp the papers.
"hey how come the ink won't work well on mine"? i asked wondering why their seals were perfect and mine were all blotchy.

"you have to be more firm". kenma said grabbing onto my hand and putting my stamp in the ink pad.
then he held it over the paper and pushed down.

ah sweet jesus- thank you for making him touch me.

"oh i see". i said as he let my hand go.
"do you need another demonstration"? kenma asked.

um- permission to let him touch me?
yes please.

"yes actually". i said faking confused.
kenma grabbed my hand again and put the stamp on the ink pad.
he pushed down harder this time, and waited longer.

then he brought my hand over the paper and stamped, he held our hands there longer too.

"are you holding it hard enough"? kenma asked making me gulp.
"yes i think so". i said smiling.

he brought the stamp up and there was another perfect seal.

uhhh- kenma please i can't take it.

oaktree- you know- you know what he's doing to me.

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