If i was a rich goirl*

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i sat in my seat with a racing heart, as the boy from earlier sat next to me. kuroo.

he said i had a cute name, it still kind of made my heart jump.
i side eyed him and waited for him to notice me, but it looked like he was texting.

the teacher hit the board with his ruler.
"alright kuroo, put the phone away". he said as he adjusted his tie and pulled down the projecter screen.

kuroo sighed and slid his phone into his pocket.
then he looked over to see me sitting to the right of him, and his eyes searched my face as he leaned forward a little.

"hey i remember you". he said as i blushed backing away from his face a little.
"we met this morning". i said back.
he grinned. "right... what's your name again"? he asked. "y/n". i said in a whisper as the teacher began to lecture.

"right, right". he whispered back nodding.
"you're new here"? he asked.
i nodded taking a journal out my backpack to copy the notes the teacher was writing down.

"yeah". i said now getting a mechanical pencil and pushing the led out. 
"oh, those are new notes, you need the old ones first". he said in my ear (which made me feel all tingly), as he slid his journal in front of me.

"use my journal, and i'll take these new ones today, we can meet up later and i'll give you today's".
my eyes went a little wide.
meet up later?
he was a flirt wasn't he.

"i can just take a picture of them". i whispered as i took out my phone to take a picture of the screen.

he smiled slyly. "so i guess you don't want to hang out later"? he asked.
"w-well i- i don't"-
he smiled even wider.
"you're just like my friend kenma".

"who's kenma"? i asked.
"i just told you he's my friend, you need to listen". he said leaning closer to my face as i heated up and tried to tuck my head into my shirt. if i could just disappear.

"thanks for the notes". i said interrupting his invasion of my personal space, as i started to frantically copy notes down from his journal into mine.

"don't mention it". he said sitting back up and sneakily pulling his phone out under the table.

i caught the quiet boy in front of us staring at me, and when i looked at him he looked down.
he pushed his headphones into his ear more and sulked in his chair.

"y/n". the teacher sort of shouted.
i turned my head quickly facing him, thinking i was in trouble.

"yes YOU, little lady come and introduce yourself to the class". oh god he was one of those teachers.

i hesitated to stand up and everyone in the class stared at me, some of them smiled, most of them were expressionless probably wishing they didn't have to sit through my introduction.

i walked to the front of the class, trying to remember how timid i looked right now, i couldn't just be shy my whole life.

"i'll ask a few questions, and then i'll choose people from the class to ask a few questions, sound ok"? mr sato asked. i nodded to agree.

i stood in front of everyone ready to be interrogated.
"so, first, tell us what you like to do for fun". the teacher said.

"um- gaming mostly". I said quietly.

the teacher smiled. "that's interesting, what about sports, do you play or.. i don't know, watch any sports"?

i thought about my answer and then started to speak. "i don't play any sports, but if i had to learn one i guess it would be like... volleyball"?
my answer came out more like a question.

"well we have a girls volleyball team if that's something you're interested in".

"no thank you". i slightly smiled.

"ah i see- you'd be interested in playing on the boys team eh"? he said winking and elbowing my arm as some of the class laughed.

oh god please stop.
"no i just"- "what do you say kuroo, can you let a girl on the team"! the teacher shouted towards the back of the classroom as kuroo looked up smiling and girls seemed to practically fawn over him.

my heart stopped.
t-that's, the captain of the volleyball team?!
the first thing that came to my mind is 'nekomas hottie' telling me to stay away from him specifically .

"maybe just this once". kuroo said, joking that i could join. my face went red.  

the teacher turned back to me. "well if the captain allows it, looks like you're on the team". he said laughing at his own joke. I'm going to jump into traffic tonight.

i tried to make my blush leave my face, and avoided kuroos stare because i could feel it from all the way over here.

"alright, does anyone have questions for ms y/n"? the teacher asked.

some boys hand shot up and the teacher called on him. "yes kairo"?
"is it true that your dad owns that gaming company. cause i play league of nations and i saw you on an article before".

"are you rich"? some girl asked as the class went silent wanting to hear my answer.
"i- no". i said not wanting to be used on my very first day.

"do you have a boyfriend"? that kairo boy asked, as his friends hit his shoulder laughing and he burried his face in his arms.

"um-". i didn't know what to say.
"alright! that's enough. y/n you can go back to your seat, thank you for sharing". the teacher said as a few students awkwardly clapped.

i walked back clenching my jaw and trying not to feel overwhelmed.
being the center of attention in a positive way, opposed to a negative way, felt so much different.

it was better, but I wouldn't say I liked it.

i took my seat, immediately feeling shocked and cautious of this kuroo boy now.
i guess nekomas hottie was right about him flirting with new girls, I mean he wasted no time with me.

"so, you're rich huh"? kuroo asked smiling as he came close to me again.

i controlled my breathing as i felt his body heat.

"i don't know". i said trying to turn away.
"you single"? he asked.
i turned back quickly, is he gonna ask me out?

my stomach started to twist.
"yeah- I guess".  i said eyeing him.
"You guess". He smiled. "you like video games for real"? he asked.
i raised a brow.
"yeah for real". i stated like it was offensive for him to even ask.
he smiled as he ran his tongue over his two sharp canine teeth.

"alright". he said sitting back up and pulling out his phone. i thought he was done talking, but instead he tapped me and handed me his phone.

i blushed. "put in your number". he demanded.
my eyes were wide and i thought i must look so nervous right now.

"my number"? i asked making sure i heard him right. "duh yours". he said grinning.

i took his phone into my slightly shaky hands and put my phone number it in.

"thanks". he said looking at it.

my head was moving at 1000 miles a minute.
What is he taking my number for?

oaktree- i wonder why he wanted your number?
can you guess?
maybe he's
gonna  send you memes or something.

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