kenken kiskis

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the bell rang, letting us know we could finally put the stamps down and get to lunch.

"can we skip the extra this time, just let me and y/n go to the roof and wait for everyone". kenma said zipping his backpack.

kuroo sighed. "fine". he responded standing up.
my head went wild thinking about being alone with kenma.

we walked through the crowded hall, and up the stairs. this time i made sure to pull the door so there wouldn't be another mistake, and we walked to sit down. 

"what did you pack today"? kenma asked.
i blushed now thinking about the way he fed me yesterday.


"i packed a vegetable mix, with strips of steak". y/n said with a smile.
"wanna try"? she asked.

she knew what i wanted.

"ah". i said opening my mouth and closing my eyes.
she used her fork to shove a piece of steak in my mouth, it was delicious.
i was loving this routine we had.

i opened my eyes and revealed my own bento.
"i packed these meatballs my mom made, with rice on the side". i said eyeing her expression.

"want some"? i asked raising a brow.
she nodded and closed her eyes immediately.
she looked lustful, i could tell by the way she opened her mouth for me, even though i hadn't even scooped any food yet.


with my eyes closed, kenma put a meatball in my mouth, and as i tried to suck it off the fork, i realized there was no fork.. at all.

my eyes shot open as kenma pulled his finger out of my mouth. 
"sorry to surprise you, it's a finger food". kenma said looking at something in the distance.

"it's ok". i said feeling jumpy inside.
"also my hands are clean- so". kenma said.
"yeah i know". i reassured that i wasn't upset by it.

"you suck hard". kenma said looking at his finger.
i blushed instantly.
"what? i'm sorry, i-".
he shook his head.
"no that came out wrong, i meant your mouth sucks hard".

we both went silent with confusion.
"that came out wrong again, um- you.. are good at sucking with your mouth". kenma hit his head.

"i think i understand". i said trying to laugh it off.
"was it too hard"? i asked now worried, grabbing his hand and looking at his finger.

"no". he said lost in a trance as he watched me examine him.

"sorry if i hurt you". i said apologetically.
"it didn't hurt, i was just surprised". he said grabbing another meatball and shoving it in his mouth, and then sucking that same finger.

my eyes lit up. *haaaaa and indirect kiss with kenma.

"that was kind of like an indirect kiss". kenma said laughing.
was he reading my mind!?

"i- guess so". i said laughing as well.
he looked at me and i started to feel shy.
"want to try the rice"? kenma asked staring into my soul.

"sure". i said nodding along.
"i have a spoon for that". he said smiling.
i giggled. "that seems easier than using your hand, yeah".

he grabbed his spoon and scooped some rice. then he scooted forward closer to me.
leaning in with the spoon.

"you don't have to close your eyes". he said as he pushed the spoon towards my face.
he was making direct eye contact and i didn't know if i should look away or not.

kenma kozume: let's playWhere stories live. Discover now