kenma pls f me🧏‍♀️

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after i got home, all i could think about was how my first day went. i got to meet the volleyball team, i got to... well eat lunch with the volleyball team, and uh... kenma stared at.. my boobs.

i put a pillow over my face and screamed into it, rolling around in my bed.
why did i get so hot thinking about him?
it's not like he's even said anything exciting to me.
plus he didn't even want to add me online.

i suddenly sat up and jumped out of bed.
that must be nekomashottie texting.

i sat down in my chair and opened the notification.

                                           CHAT ROOM

nekoma shottie :hey what's up
nintendhoe: heyyy
nekoma shottie: how was your first day?
nintendhoe: it was great!

my palms got sweaty, that's right... he was the one who told me to stay away from the volleyball team, i wonder if he would take offense that i ignored his advice, eh probably not.

nekoma shottie: make any friends?
nintendhoe: yeah actually, i know you told me to stay away from the volleyball team but they're actually super cool, and kuroo didn't flirt much really.

nekoma shottie: really.. do you think any of them are, like cute or something.
nintendhoe: oh i'm a girl so i have to think they're all hot? 😂

nekoma shottie: nooo but, i mean did any of them catch your eye?
nintendhoe: why are you spying for them?
nekoma shottie: WHAT NO! i'm just asking. that's all.

nintendohoe: well i mean, one of them is really cute. but i don't think he's interested.
nekoma shottie: which one?
nintendhoe: you probably wouldn't know their names.
nekoma shottie: no i do! i've been to their games and stuff.

nintendhoe: well... there's a boy named kenma and he's really cute, and he's shy, he's like- cool you know.
nekomashottie: Mhm. He sounds cool... do you think he's cute or something.
nintendhoe: ...

nekomashottie: you really can't tell me...?

nintendhoe: i don't know who you work for

nekoma shottie: no no i'm just asking, i wanted to know if you had a crush that's all.

nintendhoe: yeah i guess it's a crush.
nekoma shottie: well then
nintendhoe: don't tell kenma! he would probably be so weirded out.
nekoma shottie: i won't. i gotta go ok?
nintendhoe: bye bye.

i went back to lay down.
i guess i did have a crush on kenma after just a day.

i checked my phone to see messages from kuroo.

kuroo: can you actually send those pictures of the notes you took in first period?

i laughed. what an idiot, he didn't even write his own notes.
i sent the pictures and set an alarm on my phone.

it was already pretty late since when i got home i went straight to playing video games.

time for bed.


the bell rung as i walked in to first period.
kuroo smiled at me and i sat down yawning, tired even though the day hadn't even started yet.

we took notes, and kuroo goofed off again.

then during second period.
I ironically taught lev a few words in russian and i gave him half of my croissant i'd bought from the coffee shop this morning.

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