k f u

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everyone stood somewhere on the court with their partners. me and kenma were standing by the net next to kuroo and the girl he chose.
she was really pretty, but kuroo wasn't looking at her    

"have you played before"? kenma asked me.
i looked at the floor and shook my head.
he smiled and bounced the ball on the floor so i would look up.

"it's fine, i'll teach you".
i tried to hide my blush.
kenma made my legs weak.

thinking about the bathroom.
it was our secret.
i can't believe he let me see it, i can't believe i'm the person he got hard for...

"let's try a receive". he said blowing a strand of hair out of his face.
"alright". i said squatting a bit.
"do you know what to do with your arms"? he asked.

i shook my head no embarrassed.
"stay there". he said walking around me and grabbing my arms from behind.
he bent them and clasped my hands together.
"hold them like this".
he whispered in my ear, it made me feel dizzy.
like i was overheating.

"make sure you don't get too tight here". my eyes shot open as he grabbed onto my waist, his thumbs pressing into my back.

"okay i won't". i said dazed.

he walked back in front of me.
"okay i'm gonna toss it up lightly, and you hit it like this". he said demonstrating an easy receive.

i nodded. "ok".
not really sure if i could do that or not.
he threw it up. and i kept my arms together, hitting the ball back to him.

i smiled. "i did it"! i said jumping up.
he smiled. "yeah you did".
"you're a great teacher". i said excitedly.
he looked around and blushed.
"i guess". he said lowly.

the jersey was so comfortable.
i actually can't believe he's letting me wear his uniform.

"does this uniform look good on me"? i asked him jokingly. he blushed even harder.
"yeah". he said back.
my face went pink.
"really"? i asked.
"yeah, i can see your boobs through the little holes if i look hard enough".

my face was red now.
"you pervert". i said squatting to the floor and covering my chest.
"just kidding". he said standing over me.

"if i could see your boobs, you would know".
"how so, am i supposed to read your mind"? i asked confused.
"no, i just wouldn't stop staring". he replied tossing the ball into the air and catching it.

"kenma i want to hold it". i said feeling brave.
going into the bathroom with him.
everyday, just opening my mouth for him.
not even getting to lick it, simply just tasting the cum. it wasn't enough.

"okay". he said.
my face lit up.

i can't believe- "here". he said tossing the ball to me.
i wasn't prepared and it hit me right in the nose.

i dropped to the floor and kenma got down on his knees next to me.
"i thought you wanted to hold it". he said in a monotone voice.

"wrong... it". i said letting my head drop.

my nose started bleeding and kenma helped me up.
the coach barely batted an eye, no one seemed to care much. he just said to go to the office and get tissues to stop it.

kenma showed me the way to his office through the locker room.
when he opened the door, i was surprised to see a gaming chair by the coaches desk.

"why does he have one of these"? i asked shocked at how expensive it was.
"he said the normal roll chairs hurt his back, so he spent a lot of money buying a gamer chair". kenma laughed.

kenma kozume: let's playWhere stories live. Discover now