the larsens

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i sat up rapidly, breaking out into a cold sweat.
"what's wrong"? kenma softly moaned rubbing his eyes with that sleepy look on his face.

"what time is it"?! i asked panicking.
"it's still early, we won't miss the competition". he said lazily as he looked at his phone and flinched at the bright light. "y/nnnnn, it's literally 4 am go back to sleep". he rolled over and i sighed.

"it's not that, what if my dad had came in here"? i asked with wide eyes in the darkness, even though he couldn't see me.

"so what"? he asked yawning.
"so- this"! i said whisper yelling as i reached under the covers and lightly squeezed his dick.
he moaned.
"oh, you want to fuck again already?". he said lustfully as he scooted closer.

"NO, we're both still naked, don't you understand how dangerous that is for us"? i asked sitting up and finding our onesies in the dark.

"i told you i don't care". he said scratching his head.
"well i care, my dad would drag your ass down the street". he snickered. "id probably just run". he said back into the darkness.

i threw the onesie at him and he complained.
"i'm so tired". he whined struggling to put on the onesie. i slipped in and started thinking.
should i make a pallet on the floor? just in case my dad comes in, he might make a big deal about us laying together all night.

"i know what you're thinking about, just lay in the damn bed". he laughed and threw a pillow at me. it hit my head since i couldn't see, and i just decided to listen to him and lay back down.

he faced the wall, and we layed back to back, as to not look suspicious if we were walked in on at any moment.

and soon, with the sound of kenma whispering in his sleep. i ended up drifting off as well.

kenma and i jumped in the backseat of my dads car with excited energy, we knew today was going to be so much fun.

getting to participate in a gaming convention, and also the perks of being a vip there.
"are you two ready to win"? my dad asked pumping his fist. me and kenma looked at eachother.
uh- ok.

"i don't know if we'll win". i said trying to stay humble. "
"of course you will, you've played that game so much you're practically considered an expert". he said reassuring me.
but- i don't know about an expert.

"don't stress, we got it". kenma said looking out the window past me.
i smiled and he didn't notice.

as we got closer to the center i started to get a little nervous for some reason, being around so many strangers especially for a challenge is a bit scary to me. even if it's supposed to be just for fun.

it's not that i have social anxiety it's just that- well... i have social anxiety. ok yes.

"we're here". my dad said pointing to a huge convention center type building. there was a long line outside of it, stretching as far as i could see.
"are they- waiting to get in"? kenma asked worried we might have to wait in that line.

"yep, this is a pretty large competition, people from all over the world come to participate, luckily for you. i own half of this thing". my dad said chucking like a maniac.

me and kenma looked at eachother creeped out.
my dad drove around the center and parked in a spot that had a reserved sign for him.

the back of building looked ordinary, almost below average. the paint was chipped, the bars for the stairs were rusted and worn, and the other cars parked back here were nothing special.

this huge convention might just be the walmart version of comic-con.

"alright let's go". he said pulling his CEO pass out of his shirt. prompting me and kenma to slip our passes over our heads as well.

we all got out the car, and walked towards the building.

when we entered, my eyes widened.
it was beautiful in here. i mean really, carpet with custom print characters on them, controllers mounted to the walls, chandeliers draping from the high ceilings, a concession stand that was crowded, long halls from where i could see, vending machines, and a bunch of excited faces all gathered around.

it was really crowded to walk through all the people. "i'm going to take you two to the vip room, where you can wait while everything gets set up". my dad screamed back at me and kenma who were fighting to follow close behind.

kenma looked a bit stressed at all the people here, i could see it on his face. i grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine back. aw- he was feeling anxious being here, with poepen bumping into him and screaming.

my dad finally led us towards a hallway that a big man was blocking off. he looked like a generic cartoon type body guard- i mean he was actually wearing sunglasses inside...

"pass". the big man said.
my dad held up his pass, and kenma held up his.
i was a little slow to get the message and kenma held mine up for me.

the man moved aside and replaced himself back in his position when we passed him.
we walked down the long hallway, until my dad turned into an open room to his left.

me and kenma entered to see a room with a huge tv screen, beautiful glass tables and heaps of snacks sitting about. beverages and such on every table... there were also... two other kids in there. a girl and a boy.

they looked a little older than us.
maybe by a year or two.
"these are the larsen siblings". my dad said.
the two kids stood up with smiles on their faces and greeted us.

"i'm kate". the girl said to me. i shook her hand and her grip felt tight.
"and i'm isaac". the boy now said shaking my hand.
when i looked at his face i was a bit taken by surprise. he looked like a model.
his face was well defined- his hair was long and wavy at the ends and it hung in his face, it was the darkest of blacks i'd ever seen, and his eyes were slanted, making his eye contact feel even deeper.
he looked korean- maybe mixed with american, but only a slight bit.

i let go of his hand, realizing i had been staring.
of course i'd never think to disrespect kenma, especially right in front of his face.
i was just a bit shocked at how beautiful a boy could be.... the larsen siblings.
one plain girl, and one mystery boy.

anyways. i hope you have a good day!!!

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