kenken give me backshots (smut)

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after making kenma put the condom up, we changed into our onesies awkwardly. we both kind of didn't want to wear them.

"i'm thirsty". kenma said throwing his head back.
"okay little kitty". i said in a baby voice laughing at him. "leave me alone". he grumbled pulling the hood up over his head.

" fine let's go get some water from the kitchen".
i said.
kenma nodded and we left my room.

when we walked through the living room my dad put his paper down and chuckled.
"you two look like babies"! he said pointing.
"mmm"! i whined under my breath.
"relaaax, i'm joking". my dad defended.

"where are you two going"? my dad asked.
"just to get water". i said.
he looked at his watch.
"it's 9:40". he responded.
"yep got it". i said rushing passed the couch.

me and kenma gulped our water down in the kitchen. and when we went back through the living room my dad was gone.

"let's go practice now". i said grabbing kenmas hand.
"ok". he said being pulled by me.

after gaming for a good thirty minutes, i put the controller down on my bed.
we were sitting side by side, criss cross.

"what's wrong, are you bored of this"? he asked.
"yeah kind of, plus we shouldn't make our hands hurt before tomorrow". i responded.
"are you tired"? he asked.

"well what do you wanna do"? he asked slouching onto his hands behind him.
"we could watch something on the tv".
i said.
"orr- we could watch something on my phone". he said back.

i raised an eyebrow.
"why would we watch something on your phone instead of on my big screen"? i asked.
instead of answering he went to grab his duffle bag out the corner.
after digging though it, he brought out a little white case.

"here put one in". he said handing it to me.
i took the case confused and grabbed an airpod, slipping it in my ear as he took the other one and put it in his.

"now what"? i asked.
he pulled his phone out his onesie pocket.
he started to type something but he had his brightness too low to see the screen.

i waited patiently as he scrolled on his phone. wondering what he was up to.

until suddenly.
"ah- ahhh". the soft moan of a girl played in my ear. i jumped a little and kenma smirked.
turning up his brightness finally- to reveal a girl with her legs spread apart, and a vibrator being pushed against her by someone.

"ahhh". she moved around and tried to resist it but the man wouldn't stop.
my cheeks turned red... kenma was playing porn.

"don't worry you can pick the next video"

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"don't worry you can pick the next video". kenma said leaning back into my pillows with his hand over his eyes.

"you're not even gonna watch"? i asked laying next to him. "the only girl i wanna look at is you, but i do like to listen". he smiled with hidden eyes.
and i rubbed my thighs together looking at his slightly separated mouth.

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