daddy stabs kenma

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when the game was over, kenma came back to the bench a sweaty mess. nekoma had beat the opposing team 22-3 in the first match, and 22-7 in the second.

kenma had such a defined aura about him, that even when he was tired from playing, he overflowed with intensity.

"you did so good out there"! i exclaimed as he started to chug his water bottle. he wiped his mouth and smiled. "yeah thanks". he said sitting next to me.

"we will be heading to the bus in a few minutes so everyone catch your breath and then get out". the coach said.
kenma wiped his forehead with a towel off the bench.

"are you alright"? kenma asked.
i looked at him with a grin.
"everything's perfect". i responded thinking about the coaches words of approval.

"you know kenma- maybe you should come have dinner with me tonight".
his eyes lit up.
"like.. with your parents"? he asked.
i nodded.

he looked red. "unless you don't want to". i said back rubbing my arm in embarrassment.
"no no, i want to". he interrupted.

he stood up and grabbed my hand.
"let's go to the bus".

after a long bus ride, we arrived at the school at 7.
i went inside the gym to retrieve my bag and then took kuroo and kenma home (those spoiled rats)

while i sat in my room waiting for kenma to text me he was ready to be picked up.

i was really nervous. like- really REALLY nervous.
my dad was that typical "boys bad" type of guy.
and i just told them i would have a guest for dinner and nothing more.

my mom was preparing some kind of ramen with vegetables and spices. it smelled good, but i couldn't focus on my hunger when all i could think about was my dad interrogating kenma and scaring him away.
or worse, kenma making a bad first impression.

just then, my phone chimed and i sat up.
it was kenma telling me he was ready.

oh great, the anxiety is kicking my ass.

i told my parents i'd be back as my dad read the newspaper on the living room couch.

i got in the car and drove around the corner.
when kenma came out his front door my jaw dropped.

he was wearing a tuxedo with his hair down, he had on dress shoes and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

this is- embarrassing

kenma got in the car and said nothing.
"kenma". i said calmly.
"hey". he responded.
"why are you so dressed up"?! i asked louder.

he jumped.
"what? oh well- i want to make a good impression".
"this is too much". i said back.
"what should i do then"? he asked confused.

"uh-here". i said as i took off his bow tie and jacket. now he was just wearing a white button up with slacks and dress shoes. still a bit over the top, but way better than michael jackson over here.

"i see, so you have a casual family then"? he asked
"no it's not that they're casual, it's that i don't want them to think that- you think that- it's a date? i don't know. just put on your seatbelt." i said reversing out the driveway.

he seemed more on edge now, which was my fault. but it was also good, i didn't want him to seem too relaxed because that's what would que my dads 100 questions.

i took a deep breath as i opened my front door.
kenma entered behind me, and my dad looked up from his paper in surprise to see a boy stepping foot into his house.

"who's this"? my dad asked sitting up better and adjusting his glasses.
oh boy here we go.
"this is kenma". i said pushing kenmas back to make him step closer.

"nice to meet you". kenma said sticking his hand out.
my dad shook it and his eyes furrowed a bit.
"you've got a strong grip there, what sport do you play"? my dad asked.
"volleyball". kenma said vaguely.

"what position"? my dad asked.
"setter". kenma responded.
oh geez- i should have told kenma to be more proper.

"oh so you're in the easy spot". my dad said standing up.

lord- please. take my soul. kill me now.
this was an AWFUL idea.

"i wouldn't call being a setter easy". kenma said glaring a bit.

"well it's just that you don't have to really be that strong". my dad responded, folding his paper and dropping it on the couch behind him.

my mom must have heard the conversation because she popped her head around the corner.

"welcome kenma, please come have a seat". she said as she escorted him.
my dad huffed and i side eyed him.
"stop". i whispered, walking away.

in the dining room, kenma handed my mom the bouquet of flowers. "i got these for you". kenma spoke. my mom smiled "how thoughtful". she said setting the flowers in the already filled vase in the center of the table.

"i thought you hated flowers dear". my father said as he sat down next to her.
"no honey, i hated when you picked them yourself and tracked dirt through the house just because you didn't want to buy any". she responded.

i thumped myself in the head.
idiot. bringing a boy over.
what was i thinking.
he's never gonna wanna come here again that's for sure.

"so kenma, how come my daughter had to pick YOU up"? my dad asked passive aggressively.
"well i don't have my license right now, and she's a great driver so it works out". he said.

"oh no license, how come"? my dad poked at him.
"my parents aren't living with me right now, so they don't think it's wise to give me a car while i'm alone". he said. i wish he lied about that part.

"home ALONE"?! my dad asks bumping his knee on the table.
"i sure hope you haven't been places you're not supposed to y/n". my dad said.

i exhaled and my face started to heat up.
"no y/n hasn't been inside my house". kenma said covering for me.

"why are you dressed so fancy"? my dad asked him.
kenma grabbed his glass of water and took a sip, making my dad wait to hear his answer foolishly.
"i wanted to look good for y/n". kenma said making me almost choke on my drink.

my mom served our bowls and sat back down, as my dad clenched his fist.
"how come"? he asked.
"because she's my girlfriend". kenma responded.


"oh is she"? my dad asked raising his voice.
kenma nodded and looked at me.
i didn't make eye contact.
"yes". i whispered.

"hm, your girlfriend, okay then". my dad said picking up his fork.

"sweetie". my mom said touching his arm.
he put his fork down and had murder written all over his face.

just as the tension seemed unbearable, my dads phone started to ring.
"go go, fight fight, flee away from the past"
"..- fight fight, flee away from the past"

kenma and my dad- started singing his ringtone from some old time anime together.
"WAIT-.. you know memory saga"? my dad asked with excitement in his eyes 

"OF COURSE". kenma responded shaking the table.
"onward from the coming years". my dad said.
"and without hesitation captain"! kenma responded.

they both lit up with smiles.
"i can't BELIEVE you know that"!
they both said at the same time.

okay... maybe- he won't die.

oaktree- oh my god this is why i'm nervous to ever have a boyfriend.
my dad would literally investigate them and go through their whole life.
it's so annoying honestly.

like- leave us alone.

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