A new lifestyle

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My Snap: morningoaktree

                                    CHAT ROOM
nekoma_shottie: exactly, i hate it. it's like.. if you're gonna ignore my advice then don't ask for it bitch.

nintendhoe: EXACTLY- i hate when people expect me to care about their problems. like... i barely care about my own.

nekoma_shottie: lmao, well ok. i have to get to practice so talk tmmr?

nintendhoe: like always. <3

nekoma_shottie: ... is typing

nekoma_shottie: <3 ;)

i clicked out of the chat and my heart fluttered.
4 months of talking to someone, even when you've never seen them in person, can make you feel a bit attracted to their personality.

you kind of start to imagine what they look like subconsciously, and possibly fall for someone who's nothing like you expected.

nekoma_shottie, was his gamer tag.
i assumed he was a he because that's what he told me, not sure if someone would lie about that though.

we had met in a game lobby, i remember having my mic on and talking with the people before we played on this game called gun-zone/ final war.

one of the boys talking was so funny, he was trash talking another player, it seemed like maybe they knew eachother in real life.

it was really funny and i friended nekoma_shottie after that.
when he added me back, we started to chat privately and for some strange reason, i can still hear his cute little laugh from the one time we played with our mics on.

he knew my name was, y/n.
but i didn't know his.
he said he had social anxiety and when we discovered we would both be going to the same school next year, since i was transferring from out of state, he preferred not to tell me his name in case we ever crossed paths.

i'm not sure how the topic of school even came up, but it was hard to get him to talk again once he found out i could possibly be coming in contact with him for real.

but eventually he opened up again, and now we don't discuss personal details within our lives, that way I'd never notice him crossing my path.

again, we had been talking for months now, and everyday i looked forward to getting online at around 6 and playing games with him. and then chatting until he had to log off for practice.

i don't know what sport he plays, but i'm sure it's something that doesn't involve standing out much since his anxiety is so bad. It would be funny if he was the star player though.

i stood up from my gaming chair and stretched my legs. i would probably play on my nintendo switch after i ate dinner.

i actually wanted to play it right now, i was obsessed with gaming, and of course being a girl everyone always thinks it's for attention.

when in reality the only reason i'm eating dinner is because i skipped lunch to game longer.

not saying i skip meals regularly to game or anything.
~ that is what i'm saying, I do it all the time.

i walked out of my room flipping the switch off as i left. my hair was all over the place but i couldn't be bothered to fix it.

walking into the kitchen i smelled wonderful food.
my mom was a fantastic cook, and my dad was... well he tried his best!

my mom gave me a smile as i peeked into the pot to see boiling noodles.

"ooh i love when you make the spicy ones". i said giving her a peck on the cheek.
she was shorter than me and i often called her a baby for her lack of height.

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