😍lets stick a bee in kates puthy

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me and kenma walked into a space behind the stage where other gamers were waiting for their turn in the tournament.

"when do you think we will be up"? he asked.
"well the first few rounds let the younger kids go first since they probably wouldn't get to play much against older kids". i said trying to find some type of list for us.

"there's also like a sheduled time slot for everyone to go so that there's time for the whole tournament".
"can i go to the concession stand"? kenma asked facing me.

huh? "sure. you don't have to ask me". i said laughing. he turned around and walked off.
hmmm. where's that player shedule?

i walked around the back trying to find it. but i had no luck after 5 minutes.

"you guys play after us". a familiar but cold voice said from behind me.
i turned around to see isaac standing there.
"where's kate"? i asked crossing my arms.
"the concession stand". he smirked.

"what do you want? we won't say anything so just stop bothering me".
he looked me up and down and i clenched my jaw.

"i trust you". he laughed pushing my shoulder back and making my arms drop.
"hey!" i said glaring at him.
"no hard feelings right"? he asked reaching out to balance me.

"just leave me alone". i said turning around and trying to walk away.
i felt his body shift my path, and suddenly i was being pushed into the room on my right.

falling through the open door, and into the darkness.
he walked in with me.
"HEY, MOVE"! i said standing up and pulling my skirt down.

"what's the problem"? he asked grabbing my arm and moving me farther back into the room.
i couldn't see anything.

"let me go"! i said trying to yank away.
"calm down, relax". he whispered, sitting down on some type of couch, that he pulled me onto as well.

"i don't want to do this, this is against my will". i said back. he let out a sigh.
"don't act like i'm assaulting you". he let go of my arm.
"you ARE". i yelled back.

"i just want to talk with you". he whispered.
"there's nothing to talk about". i replied.
i was a bit afraid of his strength, but if worse came to worse i wasn't scared to fight rough.

"i wanted to ask you something". isaac said.
"are you and kenma really a thing"?
"THATS what you dragged me in here for"?! i exclaimed irritated.

"well- i'd rather have you than kate". he said.
"honestly- she's getting quite boring". he followed up.

i rolled my eyes.
"you're unbelievable". i said standing up.
"so you don't want me"? he asked.

"not in a million years". i said back walking as fast as i could out the room while isaac sat behind in the darkness alone.

my heart was beating so fast, and i almost thought i might have to sit down before going to find kenma.

i took a deep breath, and felt so much relief when i saw kenma walking over towards me.
he was empty handed.
"hey where's your snack"? i asked.
he furrowed his brows.
"i didn't even get to go".

"what,why"? i asked.
"because kate pushed me into some room and got on top of me, and then she kissed my neck and told me to leave you for her".
my stomach dropped.
i mean- it really dropped.

"why didn't you push her off"?! i asked confused and upset. "it happened so quick! and i also didn't want to hurt her". he said back.
i got even angrier.
"oh so you care about hurting her when she's literally trying to fuck you"?

kenma looked sad.
"that's not what i'm saying".
"isaac did the same thing to me".
now his face was turning red.
"he did what".. kenma asked with the scariest eyes i'd ever seen.

"he pulled me into that dark room over there, and then told me to leave you for him. but of course i didn't let him seduce me, now did i".

"she didn't seduce me y/n"! kenma screamed making people look at us.
"i'm gonna kick her fucking ass". i said feeling my blood boiling.
"calm down, do you wanna get kicked out"? he asked.
"i don't give a damn about this competition, and tried to touch my boyfriend".

kenma grabbed my hand.
"y/n, if they both did it. then it's probably a plan they have".
"like what, what does that do for them"? i asked.
"they probably want to seperate us right before the game".

my face shifted. oh-
yeah that actually makes so much sense.

"okay but if i ever see you cheating on me, i will rip your dick off".
"OKAY OKAY"! kenma said with a look of fear.

"anyways, i do remember isaac saying we play right after them".
"what a coincidence because kate told me they play in the 15th round".

"so we're lucky number 16". i smiled.
"yeah sure if that's what you wanna call it".

"you knowww". i started.
kenma looked up at me.
"what is it"? he asked.
"well that room isaac pulled me into was pretty dark, and it was desolate. i'm sure no one ever goes in there".

kenma smiled.
"don't tease me". he whispered.
"i'm not teasing you". i whispered back putting my hand on his chest.

his eyes got even wider.
"don't be so excited". i joked.
"how could i not be"?
he asked already walking towards the door.

*sigh. you horny little cat boy.

oaktree- hope you enjoyed !!✍️
also i'm so hungry.
i want some ramen sooooo bad.

i can't even go 3 seconds without thinking about food. and also i love you all.

you are all my little gummy bears and i either want to squish you or eat you up.
there's no in between.

❤️love you sexies!!!!!!!!!!

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