f me on this toilet amigo

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when all the boys were settled. 
i sat silently with a face of guilt.
"is something wrong"? kuroo asked me making the other guys tune in.
"no why"? i asked shaking my head.

"did something happen"? kuroo now asked kenma.
"not really, we tasted each others lunches".

my heart was still beating quickly.
i'm no where near dumb, i know i wasn't being dramatic to think the way he fed me was suggestive. he knew what he was doing.

"you tasted each others lunches"? kuroo asked slyly with a grin.
"get off my back". kenma said snuffing at him.

the rest of lunch, i was pretty quiet.
i didn't know what to say, plus i was busy thinking about you know- kenma standing in front of me with me blushing on my knees, sucking curry off the spoon he held.

i would probably never forget that.

after the bell rang, i stood up feeling awkward.
we're me and kenma gonna walk to class together again?

he was waiting by the door so... yes.

"hey i have to use the bathroom". i said walking through the door he held open for me.
"yeah me too". he said back.

"the bathrooms are really busy though, but on the floor down there is one no one uses, even though it still works".

my face lit up. "great will you show me the way"? i asked. he nodded and put his hands in his pockets.

we reached the bathroom he was talking about. but before he opened the door i brought up a few concerns.
"will we get in trouble if a teacher finds the two of us in here"? i asked.
kenma shrugged. "it's not like they check much".

that didn't make me feel so sure.
but he walked in so i followed him.
i guess this was a girls bathroom because there were no urinals.

kenma walked into a stall and before i went in one i turned the water on.
it would be really awkward to listen to eachother pee.

i walked into the big stall and kenma went into a little one. there were 6 in total. with sinks around the corner.

i sat on the toilet and sighed, i've been holding this pee for hours.

i came out the stall and started to wash my hands.
another stall door opened and kenma walked out and started washing his hands next to me.

just then. "HAHA"! girls laughter was heard down the hallway. it sounded like a group of 4 or 5 of them.

me and kenma looked at eachother wide eyed and ran to the big stall shutting it behind us.

with quick thinking.
i pretended to sit on the toilet and kenma stood on the back of it crouching his head down.

the bathroom door busted open and the group of girls came in laughing and talking as me and kenma caught our breath.

"i know, she's such a bitch. ms lora should just quit already, that old hag". one girl said.
"yeah". the others said laughing with her.

i looked behind me at kenma and he smiled putting his finger to his mouth.
well that certainly didn't help my feelings about him.

"hey did you do the homework for mr lee"?
another voice asked.
"never mind that, get the vape already".
the girls all seemed to kind of quiet down and then they cheered as i suppose a vape was brought out.

"hey WAIT". one girl said.
they all went silent.
and my heart dropped when one of them lightly knocked on the stall door.

"hey girl. are you gonna snitch on us"? she asked.
what? ugh.
"no i don't care. i won't say anything". i responded as kenma rolled his eyes probably just wishing they would leave.

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