raw like steak

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as we started the next round, the boys continued to scream about the game.

suddenly kenma spoke.
"i'm muting for a while". kenma said as he turned his mic off but kept on the headset.

"BRO". someone screamed from the other side as one of them died and had to respawn.
they didn't seem to pay much attention.

kenma put his player in a hiding spot while i continued to play. he stood up.
"going to the bathroom"? i asked.
he nodded and walked out.

i started playing and he came back a few minutes later in only his boxers.

i blushed and tried to focus on the game as he sat next to me.. he had a condom in his teeth.

he stared at me with bright eyes until i snatched it out his teeth with my hand.
then he smiled.

i put my mouth back on the part he had and tore it open, assuming i knew what he meant.

"GO RIGHT DUMBASS"! someone screamed out the mic. "i'll follow team A". i said into the mic as kenma grabbed the condom and threw the wrapper to the side.

then he put the condom on his table, which had me confused.
he sat back on his hands and watched me play.
so feeling a little courageous , i scooted over closer to him.

he smirked when our shoulders touched.
our team was winning and kenma wasn't even playing.

i went to the hiding area kenma was in and then turned to him.
i looked down at his black boxers and realized he was hard.

i got off my butt and onto my knees, sitting beside him. he stared at me harder.
so i reached my hand onto his leg and crept up.
grabbing onto the bulge which made him squint.

i gulped at this pressure.
i grabbed onto the band of the boxers and looked at him for approval.
he nodded and i pulled them down slowly watching as a huge cock came out.

i blushed as i poked it, it came back up.
i got eye level with it, and kenma put his hand in my hair lightly rubbing my scalp, as i leaned forward with my tongue out.

finally i would get to do this.

i licked the tip lightly and saw how it made kenma twitch.
then when i put the whole head in my mouth he bit his lip.
so i pushed it in my throat and started to suck it.

he lightly panted, and his grip in my hair got tighter.
"yeah". he whispered as i slowly sucked him off.
he held his balls with his other hand and i sucked on those too.

he was red in the face when i took off my shirt to continue.

he started grinding into my mouth while i looked up at him telling him to keep going.
and he blinked hard every time i licked his balls.

he undid my bra and slid it over my arms.
which led to being titty fucked as he tried to hold himself off.

he sat me up and put the controller in my hand, telling me to play.
i was confused, but i started playing anyways.

he told me to stand up and we both did as he slid my pants and underwear off unexpectedly.
i was so cold.

we sat back down and he told me to straddle his lap.
i kept playing as he rubbed his dick against my entrance. making me moan.

"GUYS SHUT UP"! one of the boys screamed as the rest of them went quiet. "listen". he said as i moaned again at kenma slapping his dick against my clit from behind.

i hovered over him, feeling embarrassed.
"they can hear". i nervously whispered. reaching my hand to mute the mic until kenma slapped it down.
"let them". he smirked.

oh fuck.
"keep listening". kenma said into my mic as the boys yelled in both me and kenmas ears.

"how come yours is muted"? i whispered.
"because why would they listen to me moan"? he asked back slapping my ass.
it made me scream and the boys cheered.

"IS HE IN YOU"? someone asked.
"answer them". kenma said as he slapped my ass hard again.
"AGN- no"! i said into the mic.
"what's he doing"? they asked.
"ah- slapping me".

they screamed again.
"slap her harder"! someone screamed.
kenma slapped my ass and i closed my eyes tightly.

"damn we heard that"! they said.

he had me sit down while i played. with his dick in between my thighs as he thrusted between them.
i bounced aggressively as he hugged behind me, holding my waist and gripping me as he got off.

(still on the floor btw, or imagine in a gaming chair)

"ngh". i moaned when he started to play with me while he thrusted.
"yes". i moaned.
"KEEP GOING"! they screamed.

"put it in". he demanded as he panted.
i sat up a little and without hesitation slid it into my wet pussy.

"AGN"! i moaned when i sat down and kenma covered his mouth.

"FUCK HER"! they screamed.
he started to thrust into me while i moaned in ecstasy. "YES KENMA"! i screamed while i rubbed my clit.

"don't make us lose"! they screamed at me.
i started trying to play my character while he continued to fuck me. i could barely see the screen anymore.

"AHH fuck"!! he was hitting my spot so perfectly.
"ooh". someone said over the mic.
kenma started to go faster and my moans were muffled my him putting his fingers in my mouth.

"take my dick". he said with a boyish laugh as he mocked me.
"you like it"? he asked squeezing my boobs together.
"yes". i moaned.
"i'll stop". he said.

"DONT STOP"! i moaned sitting farther down and letting his dick touch deeper inside me.
"Ah". he softly moaned in my ear and it made me hot inside.

"don't stop kenma"! one of the boys said in a high pitch voice making fun of me.
"DONT STOP"! i said copying.

"fuck me back then". kenma said slapping my ass.
i started to bounce on him and let my eyes close. the controller fell to the floor as i orgasmed.

"AH- H- KENMA please- i'm- cumming".
"CUM INSIDE HER KENMA"! someone screamed.
"NO"! i screamed back opening my eyes.

"CUM IN HER"! they screamed again.
kenma started to pound me faster and harder.
"i'm gonna cum inside you". he moaned in a whisper.
"noo". i moaned back, slightly wishing he could.
"i'm gonna cum inside you". he moaned louder as his eyes closed.
"kenma". i whined.
he held onto my
waist tightly as i squirmed on his throbbing dick.

"let me cum inside you". he whispered again, his voice cracked when he started to uncontrollably moan in my ear.

"don't cum". i said somehow still bouncing on him. feeling the pulsing inside me, and my own cum making noises as we fucked.

"IM- i'm gonna cum"! he screamed.
"i wanna cum inside you y/n PLEASE"! he moaned.
he looked so irresistible.

i thought about this hard.
there was only one thing to do.
(Portion redacted . And no I will not be rewriting it)

"ahhhh". i softly moaned.
as kenma pulled his dick out and quickly grabbed me.

he had no regard for the game.
he took my headset off and saw how much i was crying.

he took his headset off too and put me on his bed as a worried look crossed his face.
"y/n i'm so sorry, you didn't have to do that"! he said frantically as he looked at the cum on his dick.

"i'll be back". he said as he rushed out his room.

kenma kozume: let's playWhere stories live. Discover now