im grounded sneak writing

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i sat on the inside seat, with kenma next to me.
we had been on the road for a few minutes heading to a school that was an hour away.

"so how did you convince your coach to let me come"? i asked him.
he smirked. "earlier this year i played with a fractured finger, and as a coach he's legally supposed to stop me, but i'm the best setter they've got, so he let me play,
i just told him it would be a shame if my finger started hurting again right before all our games got started".

"so you blackmailed your coach for me". i giggled.
"i guess so". he laughed.
i just remembered a question i wanted to ask him several minutes ago.
"hey kenma, who was that girl in the gym? and why did she seem so mad at us"? i asked.

kenma shook his head.
"kuroos ex girlfriend". he responded.
"so how come she didn't like you"?
"when she dated kuroo, she had been going to his house to hang out with us, and when he left she used to try stuff with me, i told her i didn't like her and she broke up with kuroo later that night".

i raised a brow.
"she tried to cheat with you"? i asked.
"basically". he responded.

"why would she even date kuroo then"? i questioned.
"i heard she always liked me, she only got with kuroo so she could hang out with me after school since i didn't talk to her any other way".

oh- what a weirdo she was.

after a long bus ride of silence and watching kenma play games on his phone.
the bus arrived at the school and the boys started changing into their jersey gear.

i covered my eyes when they stripped down to their boxers.
"i guess coach forgot you were on the bus". kenma whispered as he pulled his shorts up.

"i guess so". i whispered back blushing.

as we made our way off the bus. i tripped forward a little and fell into lev.
"hey y/n"! lev said turning around.
"off the bus"! the coach screamed from outside.

lev hurried off, but talked to me once we were out.
"are you excited to see us play"? he asked.
"uh- yeah i'm glad i can support you guys". i said back.

kenma looked at me and signaled that he wanted to start walking inside ahead of everyone else.
"i don't wait behind i always go in". he said as i walked up grabbing his hand.

"see you in a bit". i said waving back to lev. he smiled and waved back.

"why are you and lev so chummy"? he asked.
"what? are you jealous"? i asked back squinting and smiling.
he hid his face with his hair.
"of course not, i've already claimed you". he said.
that made me tingle inside.

we walked into the front of the school and kenma stopped by a sign that said (nekoma) on it.
"there's usually a guide that meets us by a sign to take us to the gym".

"am i gonna have to find my way to the stands"? i asked worried about going alone.
"no way, you can sit on the bench".
my face lit up. "REALLY"?! i exclaimed.
he nodded with a smile.

the rest of the team started filing in the building as a student with a lanyard on approached us. "nekoma"? he asked kenma. kenma nodded once and the boy started walking signaling we were to follow him.

we were led to the main gym where the other team was warming up.
their student section was cheering.
"our students should be here by bus to support us in about 30 minutes". kenma told me.

cool- the school makes sure their teams get support.

i walked through the gym, catching a few glimpses.
and i blushed realizing i was the only non player that would be sitting down on the bench.
well, besides the coach of course.

kenma showed me where to sit, and then he took off his red game jacket and handed it to me. "it gets cold". he said.
i bit my lip at this kindness.
butterflies.. again.

"thank you". he turned away and kuroo joined him at his side to walk to the court with the rest of the team behind them.
they looked badass going out there.

i slipped on the jacket and realized how warm it really was, and how much it smelled like my baby kozume. (never telling him i call him that in my head).

the boys started to warm up and the coach took a seat next to me on the bench.
i hope he's not mad that i crashed their game.

"you sure do make ken happy". he said turning to me. my face went red. "well- i- i hope so". i giggled.
oh god i should stop talking.

"i've never seen him so eager to go out to the court before, and he's also never let a girl wear his jacket- or jersey".
i fumbled with my hands nervously.
"i just try to make him smile". i said back.
"well you and kuroo are the only ones that can do it". he responded.

REALLY? he's putting me on the same level as his close best friend. what an honor.

"what i'm trying to say is, you're welcome by me". the coach said patting my back.

was i.. about to cry??

oaktree- bye!

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