BAKI BAKI *cums 😛

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kuroo had been napping on kenmas bed, as kenma and i sat against it on the floor, playing as a team to kill everyone else.

we already played 10 rounds before this, and won 9 of them.
we were concentrating, and hadn't spoken a word since like- the 5th round. but our knees were touching and somehow that kept the butterflies in my stomach the entire time.

after the victory was displayed on the screen i put the controller down and sighed.
"i'm exhausted from concentrating so hard"! i said stretching my arms in the air.

kenma laughed and threw his arm on my shoulder making me lean into his chest. "yeah- me too".

my body heated up.
"kuroo is sleeping". i said.
"he can't stay up to save his life".
i giggled.
he seems like he could pull an all nighter if he wanted to, but i guess not.

"come to the kitchen with me to get water". kenma said standing up.
i'm not the submissive type, but the way kenma expected me to want to follow him made me feel some type of way- in a good way.

i stood up and quietly followed him out the door so kuroo wouldn't wake up.

when we made it to the kitchen, kenma took two waters out the fridge and we both started drinking them.
it was refreshing after sitting on the floor so long.

"OH SHOOT". i said putting the water down so hard a little came out the top.
"what is it"? kenma said looking at me confused.
"nekomashottie". i said.
"WHA-"?! exclaimed with a red face.

"oh! sorry- no i mean the online buddy that i've had for a while. he usually text around this time. and he's probably gonna wonder where i am if i don't respond".

kenma looked a little relieved.
"oh well- it's fine i'm sure he'd be chill about it if you didn't answer right away".

"yeah i'm sure he wouldn't be upset, it's just i kind of  like talking with him, and i don't want him to stop wanting to talk to me". i said back.

kenmas POV
god- for a moment i thought she was saying she knew i was nekomashottie.

regular POV

me and kenma sat on the edge of his bed next to a sleeping kuroo, watching tv.
"hey can i use the bathroom"? i asked.
"sure it's like down the hall, the door is open so you'll see it". he said.

i got up and briefly turned around to say thank you, when i noticed kenma was looking at my butt. he quickly looked up at my face and i blushed.

"t-hanks". i said walking away before i got even more awkward.
geez y/n get it together.
so what if he was staring, it's not like he hasn't seen you- no- been inside you before.
why wouldn't he fantasize.

i reached the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

while i used the bathroom i took a second to look a little curious.
on the counter there was only a toothbrush holder, with a toothbrush in it.

there was a medicine cabinet,
the shower curtain on the shower was black, the small bathroom mat was black too.
pretty plain looking to me.

i flushed and went to wash my hands. but there was no soap on the counter.
hm.. oh he probably keeps it in the medicine cabinet.

i opened it and saw the bottle of liquid soap, as i reached for it my eyes went wide seeing the big box of unopened durex condoms- large.

i grabbed the soap and shut the cabinet.
does that mean, kenma actually plans on having more sex.. i- i mean maybe not even with me, just in general.
he- him- that innocent looking boy plans to just- okay wow. i put the soap back without looking at the box and air dryed my hands as i walked out the bathroom.

even though kenma looks delicate like a girl almost- he sure does have strong desire.

i walked back into his room and sat on the bed beside him.
"hey, did you find the soap"? he asked looking into my very soul.
"yes". i whispered and nodded.

he smiled.
"ok cool".
he went back to looking at his phone, but that deviant smirk stayed plastered on his face.

he knew what he was doing.
i bet he counted on me finding those as a message- a message that said: i know were gonna fuck.

oaktree- imagine finding any of the haikyu boys with condoms. this is what they would say, if you opened a wallet and saw a condom in there on accident.

kuroo- it's for safety
bokuto- wanna try it out? *wink
tsukishima- not that i really need it- no girl deserves this dick.
kageyama-*blushes.. uh- s-sorry about that.
hinata- THATS NOT MINE *fumbles with the wallet
asahi- uh- my mom put that there
sugawara- it's the good kind, i can't wait to use it
daichi- (mature so he wouldn't care that you saw)
terushima-(whispers) unless you like it raw.
ushjima- that thing is slippery so be careful. (it's an unwrapped soggy condom dripping in his wallet.

oikawa- it's the flavored kind *wink. but i taste even better *smirk.
tendou- BAKI BAKI 😛 *cums

you're welcome for that fan service. 😌

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