omg im gonna get caught writing

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i ate lunch in silence, thoughts running through my head at 100 miles an hour.
i can't believe that just happened.

and here i was still sitting next to kenma as everyone finished their food.
the boys were talking, but i know they saw us and it must have been on everyone's mind.

"i've got to use the bathroom again". i said to kenma.
his face lit up. "me too". he replied.
we both stood up, grabbing our bags.

"where are you going"? kuroo asked as everyone watched us. "to the bathroom". kenma said back. "sureeee". lev joked, making the team laugh.

me and kenma started walking as they whispered.
and as we went down the stairs my heart pounded.
did he really have to use the bathroom?

"there's a lot of time left, so the teacher shouldn't pop up again". kenma said to me as we turned the corner and pushed the bathroom door open.

when i walked in, kenma locked the door.
i turned around blushing.
"what's that for"? i asked.

again with that sharp tooth smile he watched me.

he walked forward as i backed up pushing open the big stall door with my back.

when my back hit the wall inside the stall, my eyes went wide as he put his arms on either side of my head. trapping me there and leaning even closer.

his breath on my face was warm, and he reached his hand into his pocket.
again pulling out his hair tie.

he handed it to me.
"do you mind putting my hair up"? he asked as he still leaned with me against the wall.

"s-sure". i said grabbing it.
i awkwardly reached my arms up and around his neck. grabbing his hair and trying to tie it up.

"so rough". he whispered slightly laughing as he leaned forward even more to talk in my ear.

shivers ran down my spine. as i continued to tie it.
"your hair is so soft". i said back.
his intense gaze only deepened.
"hmm, i guess that's the only soft thing about me then". he said back as i finished tying it and he pulled strands out to hang from the sides.

wai- that's the only soft thin- wait a minute.

i got a little curios.
and slowly moved my hand, placing it against his chest.

i ran it down a little while he watched me, and felt his abs through his shirt. 
"wow, volleyball did this"? i asked laughing. 

he smiled. "i get my workouts in". he said back lowly.

he suddenly grabbed my wrist.
"we have time, but not that much time". he said as he pulled my hand down and placed it against the solid bulge in his joggers.

my head went hot and i felt my brain stop working.

"is uh- is that your"...
"my dick? yes obviously". he said cutting me off.
i got a little embarrassed.

"what do you want me to do.. with it"?
i whispered.
"whatever makes me feel the best".
he whispered back.

placing his hands back on either side of my head, he leaned in and started to kiss my neck again.
it was sore, but it still felt
so good.

"ah". i let out.
i could tell it made him kiss that spot more.

i used my hand, to explore his pants.
rubbing against the bulge with my fingers and then grabbing it with my hand.

"can i put my hand inside"? i asked as kenma took a breath.
"mhmm". he sighed as he leaned back in.

while i enjoyed the pressure he was leaving on my neck. i yanked at the waist band of his pants, until finally my hand slipped

i was planning to play with him through his boxers, but when i felt warm skin, i knew my hand had went farther than i thought.

"ahn". kenma moaned leaning into my neck as i touched around his bare tip.

"does it feel good"? i whispered.
"mm-yeah". kenma said quickly.
i used my finger and rubbed around the tip, watching as he flinched and moved more.

it made me so excited.
i grabbed it lightly, and felt how warm it was in my hand, and how it throbbed by itself.

"we're almost out of time, i need to cum now".
kenma said making my
eyes go wide.

i didn't know he wanted to do that right now.

he softly moved my hand and reached into his pants, grabbing his own dick and pulling it out right before my eyes.

i blushed more as i realized how big it was, especially on such a small boys body.

he started to jerk it quickly, he closed his eyes and lightly moaned.
"do you want me to do something to help"? i asked loving this feeling i was getting in my

"just watch me, that's enough". he said opening his eyes and staring into mine.

i looked down at him jerking himself off, licking my lips as my face got redder.

he kept watching me, and moaned when i put my hand on his face.

as his face turned red, he closed his eyes again.
i put my hand up into his hair. and held it as he whined. "agn i'm gonna cum".

what else could i do?
i slid down with my back to the wall as i came face to face with the tip of his dick, being thrusted towards me.

"look". i said up to kenma, as he opened his eyes and realized where i was.

i looked up at him and he looked down on me with eyes like a wolfs.

"ahhh". he sighed heavily as he started to cum.
"can i"-?
i started to ask. but it would soon be too late.
i leaned forward and let his cum shoot into the back of my throat as i moaned at the hot liquid running down my chin as well.

"fuck". he whispered watching me.

i stood up and grabbed onto his ponytail. yanking out the hair tie and handing it to him as he stared.

i smiled.
and he smiled back.

oaktree- yall. i got in trouble for something and i'm on punishment. i'm sneaking to write this rn omg.

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