answer my authors note >

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after second period with lev, who today taught me how to say volleyball with a Russian accent.
i nervously walked to third.

being an office aid with those two was fun- until i knew we had been caught.
will kenma be distant to me now that he's been seen?
does he feel weird that kuroo knows?

i mean they all know we kissed, since they caught us on the roof, but they didn't know how far we were going. now kuroo did and his loud mouth had to tell us he heard. making it awkward for us.

i greeted the office lady as i walked to the back room.
i was actually a little shocked to only see kuroo sitting in the office.

"where's kenma"? i asked.
he looked up at my briefly and shrugged.
my heart dropped... what if he's not here because he's avoiding me.

i sat down at the desk and put my head in my hands.
"whether he shows or not, today we have to make note deliveries to teachers rooms." kuroo said.

i nodded but i kind of wanted to cry.
somehow this hurt- really bad.

i heard the door creak and my neck moved at the speed of light to see who had come in.

my jaw- quite literally dropped.
/play this song to understand what i mean
(song: "no idea"- don toliver 0:50 seconds in)

it was kenma... standing in the doorway.
his hair half up in a ponytail, splitting the light hair at the top and the dark hair down. i guess he re-dyed it to be cleaner.

he was wearing black joggers with chains hanging off them, and a black vest shirt. like one of those korean street models.

his hands were covered in silver rings, and he had his backpack slung over one shoulder.

my eyes widened even more to see the diamond piercings shining out his ears.

uhh- i'm getting butterflies in my stomach..

he walked in and came around to stand by me, then he sat on the table with his legs on either side of me.
while i sat in the chair in front of him, seeing his legs swing on the sides of me.

"looks like we got caught". he smiled with an evil look in his eye

i blushed.
"k-kenma, you look really- good today". i managed to say.
kuroo stared at him too.

"do you like the piercings"? he asked leaning forward to wrap his arms on my shoulders.
if he scooted forward off the table he would fall right into my lap.

"yeah i do". i whispered.

he smiled more, he had sharp teeth just like kuroo, but maybe a little sharper.

(you can end the song if you want, or choose another one)

"you look like a model". i said looking him up and down. "just trying to be cute like you". he said back quickly.

kuroo looked like he was in absolute shock.
"i- thanks". i couldn't get my words out.
it's like i was meeting him for the first time all over again.

he took his arms off me and swung his leg over my head to jump off the table.
then he dragged a chair from the other side of the room RIGHT next to mine and sat down.

"i don't know why you're sitting, we have note delivery today". kuroo said standing up and grabbing a stack of letters off the table behind him.

i rolled my eyes. i kind of didn't feel like walking.
kenma stood up next to me and i looked at him- on second thought i will enjoy today very much.

as we all walked through the halls with the notes, kuroo on my left and kenma on my right, which meant i was in the middle of course.
the boys talked about their upcoming game on friday.

which meant sadly that in 2 days, i wouldn't be able to see them the whole day, since at nekoma the sports teams get the entire day before a game to practice.

"you gonna miss us y/n"? kuroo laughed.
"shut up". i said turning away.
kenma looked at me, "i'll talk to coach for you". he said.

"what"? i asked.
"i'll get him to let you on the trip with us, you can spend the whole day with the team".

"you just mean she can spend the whole day with you"! kuroo said antagonizing.
"she's friends with lev too"! kenma shouted back.

"i hardly call the two of you friends, more like.. friends with benefits". kuroo said under his breath.
i blushed and crossed my arms.

"well that's even better". kenma said grinning at him.
kuroo made a disgusted face.

"how are you gonna even get coach to agree to that? you know he doesn't even let siblings come on the trip".

kenma smirked. "if you're missing the setter at the game, things aren't gonna turn out so well".
"so you're gonna threaten the coach with not showing up? yeah good luck with that." kuroo laughed

"i'm not gonna threaten him, i have my ways so shut the hell up".
kenma said back.

kuroo kind of had a point, unless the coach owed kenma some sort of debt or weird favor.
there's no way that mean bag of bricks would let "sports bra girl" come with them.

"i got this". kenma added.

i watched as the chains on him swung, and i slowly inched my finger to scratch against the back of his hand, he didn't turn to look at me. but he smiled.
and the cold rings on his fingers touched my skin, as he took my hand into his in silence.

maybe, i should trust that he has a plan.

oaktree- guys i have a Q, so you all know the next book is gonna be a kuroo book. but should he be kind of nerdy like canon kuroo, and y/n kind of be the sex drive.

or should he be fanon kuroo? with a wild sex drive and kind of the same vibe at the beginning when he like- seduced the office lady. 💀? let me know.

also let me know some settings.
i think i use school for all of them.
but it could be a vacation trip, or like maybe you could be lev or kenmas cousin or something.

or then also i'm thinking, the school goes on a trip to a theme park, and then you lose your friend group. and the volleyball team that you never cared about says you could hang with them.

so you notice kuroo immediately and then yeah. now at school you notice them a lot.


ok so what if the school raised a bunch of money. and decided to book a cruise ship for the seniors and juniors. pretending the whole volleyball team is aged up.

so like the whole volleyball team are in groups of three to a room, and they have like 4 rooms next to eachother.

and all the kids are on the cruise blah blah.
and yeah for like two weeks you wander around with the team. idk maybe even - sneak in the boys rooms.

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