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as i sprinted through the crowded area, i caught a lot of stares and people telling me to watch where i was going. but i didn't care. i needed to tell kenma what i just saw in the bathroom.

i was panting by the time i got to the hallway.
passing the guard who looked suspicious of me, and running down the hall.
knowing isaac and kate were probably close behind.

i pushed open the room door to see kenma standing up off the couch with his hand over his mouth.
he was looking at something on his phone.

"I HAVE TO-" me and kenma started talking at the same exact time..."tell you"- we both continued lower. now waiting for the other person.
"okay you first". kenma said.
"i just saw isaac and kate in the bathroom together, when i went in, isaac was pulling his pants up"! i let it out in one breath.

his eyes widened. "WHAT"?! he asked staring back at his phone. "then it's true". he whispered.
"then what's true"? i asked confused.
"i decided it would be a good idea to look the two up, since they're our competition after all- and some of the bottom page articles are about their suspicious behaviors. and one- says they aren't brother and sister at all".

my eyes opened wide.
"what do you mean they aren't siblings"? i asked being thrown into a loop.
"i mean, some anonymous person wrote about how isaac is half korean, half american, and kate is actually just japanese. and how they just say they're siblings to gain more support and funding for their team".

i put my hand over my mouth.
"and now, that i've seen them. that might very well be true".
i said creeped out.

"well it is true after all". a voice said behind me.
my neck snapped around to see isaac coming though a back door with kate behind him.

how did we never notice that door?
"so it's true that you guys aren't related"? i asked backing away from the approaching male in front of me.

kenma grabbed my arm from behind and pulled me back by his side.
"you better keep your damn mouth shut". isaac said staring us down.
"we play fair, until you try to expose us" kate snarked .

"you're not gonna cheat in the competition"? kenma asked suspiciously. "never- we play fair"! isaac said looking at his smiling "sister".

"yeah yeah- we only use this sibling cover in order to gain loyal fans and people who want to fund the tournaments we go to, there's huge cash prizes at most of them". kate said.

"so you're just in it for the rewards"? kenma questioned.
"who isn't"? kate responded with a glare.
"anyways just keep your mouths shut, we need the support we have. and if you mess this up we will make sure you pay for it". isaac laughed with kate and me and kenma side eyed eachother.

"well then, the first round of the evening should be starting in a few minutes. catch you two on the stage". kate said throwing up a peace sign as they walked out the door together.

me and kenma sighed at the relieved tension.
they didn't look scary, but they were kind of intimidating.

"huh- so how did you catch them again"? kenma asked. i raised a brow. "why do you care? it was gross and that's all that matters". i said rolling my eyes.

"was it like this"? he asked spinning me around and bending me over the couch. pressing against me, with his hands on my back.

my stomach tightened and i got tingly.
"KEN"! i said pushing him off and pulling my skirt down in the back where he had hiked it up.

"okay okay". he said sitting down.
i smiled.
"don't act like we didn't just discover a huge secret". i said sitting next to him and leaning onto his shoulder.

"well i mean, it was kind of obvious they weren't normal, and i didn't like isaac from the start". he complained.
"you were just jealous". i giggled.
he suddenly stood up and i fell onto the couch where he was sitting.

he started laughing at me.
"not funny". i said fixing my hair.
"should we get going too"? i asked.

kenma looked at his phone.
"yeah i guess".

when we walked down the hall, we saw the huge groups of people all moving down towards the other end of the building.
going through huge black curtains, to another mystery place.

me and kenma walked slowly between the hoards of other teens and tried our best not to hit anyone that bumped into us.

"someone smells like kuroo". he said.
it made me flinch at his words.
how are they such good friends? kuroo are you gonna steal my man? ill have to hit him later for that. 

i grabbed kenmas hand and pulled him through the crowd aggressively.
walking around the snail paced people, and the group of girls all holding hands and blocking off the entire walkway.

"slow down y/n". kenma said as i dragged him along.
"no time". i responded walking faster.

when we finally got to the black curtains.
we pushed though them and saw the giant arena like theater.
filled with seats, and the a/c on full blast.

there was a game already going on up there.
two boys facing off on a first person shooter game, the guy on the right was winning by nearly 17 points. and the round only had 10 seconds left.
it looks like the victory is going to him then.

"this is so cool". kenma said with gleaming eyes and a full smile. it made me melt a little.
i grabbed his cheek and his face dropped.
"no". he said monotonous, smacking my hand off.

"this place is huge". i said back.
"not as huge as my"-
"get going". my dad whispered from behind us. making me and kenma both shiver and stop in our tracks of speaking.

i know what kenma was about to say- and let's just say- my dad might have actually been sent to jail today.

"okayyy". i said grabbing kenmas hand.
i DID NOT know my dad was working by the entrance.

kenma still had a look of death flashing before him.
"you almost told my dad about your dick". i whispered holding back a laugh.

"i don't wanna think about it"- he said walking faster

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"i don't wanna think about it"- he said walking faster.

oaktree- HEY sorry it's been a while.
i just wanna say to all my fans- BA BOOP NA NA NEE NEE BA!!! NYA ICHI NI SAN, NYA ARIGATOOOOO.

hold on i think ghosty is here!

ghost- i wanna fuck the shit out of kenma
me- WOAHH where did that come from.
ghost- yeah i wanna FAWK EM
readers- i wanna fuck author-sannn
me- *smiles teeeheeeee
readers- JUST KIDDING you look like a dumb bitch
me- oh- yeah
ghost- they played you
me- i know wtf

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