how do you spell...dat shi

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after the first period bell rang, i awkwardly said goodbye to kuroo. as i felt the pressure building in my stomach walking out the door.

why had he gotten my number?
did he think i was cute? funny? hot?
i thought to myself as i navigated through the busy hallway trying to get to my next class.

i mean really, i just gave it up like i wanted nothing more than for him to contact me, what was i thinking.

i finally found my next class and walked in the door.
this was mrs. yuuns math class.
the room was half full with students, as more continued to file in and find their seats.

i heard a few whispers about the new girl standing by the front door.

since mrs yuun seemed not to notice me, i walked by the desks and approached her sitting at her computer.

she looked up at me and then smiled, "wonderful to have you here y/n, you can take a seat wherever you like, the students chose their seats on the first day". she, adjusted her glasses and went back to vigorously typing on her keyboard.

ok then.
i turned and started to look around the room for somewhere to sit, i felt so nervous knowing i was the only new person in class.

looking around, every table had atleast 2 or more people sitting at it.
i was going to have to talk to new people if i didn't want to seem strange.

oh wait- in the back there was a table with no one at it. i smiled. looks like i can have some peace of mind after all.

i walked towards the back, feeling a little calmer, and a certain happy feeling around me.
not being teased or called names for this long, it was sure a change of pace, and a nice one at that.

just as i reached the table, a pale hand slapped the top of it, as a tall boy sat down in one of the chairs and shook the desk as he did.

my eyes went a little wide... to see a boy this tall.
he is certainly foreign, his face is so defined and unique, he is almost beautiful.

well- he is beautiful.

i grabbed onto the chair i was going to pull out, and slowly dragged it leaving space for me to slide it in.

the boy sitting next to me stared holes into the side of my face, and i turned to him gulping.

"hey". he said unexpectedly.
"uh- hey". i said back clearing my throat.
"you're new here"? he asked.
i nodded. "Mhm".
he smiled. "i'm lev haiba, but you can just call me lev".

i smiled back. "lev? are you russian"?
i asked. he smiled. "yeah actually, no one here has been able to guess, what gave me away?". he asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Lev means.. lion in Russian right"? I asked. he nodded surprised. "Yeah- how did you know? Do you speak any"? He asked. "No- it's just a random thing i happen to know". I replied. He smiled and started to take textbooks out his backpack, and i eased up. he seemed really nice, and despite his shocking height, he wasn't all that intimidating.

"wait So you don't speak any"? he asked turning to me.
"That's lame". he joked.
"Well do you"? I asked.
"Nah- not a word honestly". He responded.
"Then looks like you're the lame one". I smiled.
"hey"! he shouted slightly tipping me over.
"ok ok". i said smiling as he shook his head.
this guy is cool.

as the teacher lectured about the endless theory of pi, i was startled when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

i pulled it out and the notification was a message from an unknown number.
i instantly blushed... this must be kuroo texting me.
i can't believe he was actually serious about wanting my number.

unknown: hi

what should i say?
i don't want to sound like a loser.
me: hi

there, playing it safe. just let him start the conversation.

unknown: am i interrupting your class?
the butterflies in my stomach just wouldn't stop.

me: no it's ok.
what should i say, i have nothing interesting to add.

unknown: ;) you're such a hottie, i saw you in the hallway today.

WHA- i set my phone down and shivered as i realized how weird it felt to be complimented by a boy.
i picked it back up and started to type- when i got another message before i sent mine.

unknown: ignore him.

wait- what?

me: is this kuroo?
was this actually just some prank message, or someone random?

unknown: this is kuroos phone, he just handed it to me and said to talk to you.

now i'm even more confused.

me: so you and kuroo are in class together then?
i asked wanting an explanation.

unknown: yeah, he said he wanted me to text you because he thinks we could be friends, but he won't even tell me anything about you.

me: oh.. well kuroo just took my number from my first period class.

unknown: um ok.

it seems that he didn't really know what to talk about either.

unknown: hey this is kuroo again, my friend is being shy but how about you eat lunch with us today? get to know each other better?

eat lunch with kuroo? is this a dream?

me: uh- yeah sure i'll text you then.

unknown: great :) see you soon.

i couldn't believe it.
my first day here and the captain of a sports team was already texting me and asking me to eat lunch with him. what if... there is no friend. he just wants to eat lunch with me.

i thought about it my seat.

i took another peek at my phone.
i guess i can change his name from unknown to kuroo then.

wait- that's such a weird name i don't even know how to spell it.

k- e- r-0?

i scrunched my nose, and turned to lev.

"hey lev i know this is totally random, but do you happen to have an idea on how to spell kuroo"?

his face lit up.
"kuroo, what do you want with him"? he asked.
i was taken aback, so he knows kuroo?

"yeah it's just, i've got his number but no contact name and i don't have a clue how to spell it".

"it's k-u-r-o-o". he said back staring.

"thanks, you uh- seem to know him".
i said. he shook his head smiling.
"of course, that's my captain".

wait... huh.

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