Those butterflies🦋

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after dinner i thanked my mom again as i stood up and headed back to my room.

after my dad announced he was rich, we went a little overboard that first day.
my room was filled to the brim with games, controllers, a custom built pc, posters, shelves lined with action figures and manga.
my bed was huge, and the comforter was a huge light gray fluffy blanket, with pillows and sheets to match.

it was my actual dream room.

i jumped up to check my computer.
after his practice was over, nekoma_ shottie usually sent me a goodnight text, and sometimes he would talk to me for a while if he wasn't too exhausted.

i can't believe at first i didn't realize we would be going to the same school, i mean he has nekoma in his gamer tag.

i'm dumb for that one.

i wonder who he could be?
i hope before we graduate at least i get to find him out. i giggled, it probably wouldn't take THAT long for him to admit who he really was... but then again he did say his anxiety is severe.

i hopped online and opened the chat to find a new message from 3 minutes ago. just in time.

nekoma_shottie: hey y/n, practice was good as usual. wanna chat? i figured since tommorow is the first day you will be coming to my school there's a few things you should know about the place.

~i smiled

nintendhoe: that sounds great. i don't want to look lost on my first day.

nekoma_shottie: we've already been in for like 6 months now, so it won't be as chaotic as the first few weeks, every year the first few weeks of school are just awful. 

nintendhoe: why is that?

nekomashottie: because my friends like to welcome each other back and they tried to hug me once. i almost threw up.

nintendhoe: LMAO- do you not like hugging your friends or something?

nekoma_shottie: they're too invasive.
anyways, first thing you should know is that the cafeteria gets crowded quickly. so you shouldn't be late to lunch if you actually want to eat.
second thing is, if you happen to take ms suzukis science class, she will give you a passing grade as long as you answer atleast half of the problems.

nintendhoe: i'm not sure if i'm taking a science class, but that's good to know.

nekoma_shottie: and the third thing is that our school has a volleyball team, and you might see the captain around a lot, at our school people treat the team pretty good, but don't get mixed in with them because the captain is trouble. he always tries to date the new girls.

nintendhoe: wow ok. i'll make sure to stay away from the volleyball team. Id hate to get seduced by a tall, hot boy. Oh noooooo~

nekoma_ shottie: youve been warned. Anyways i hope you have fun tommorow. make a friend or something. but not too many because that's overbearing.

nintendhoe: lol ok. goodnight <3

nekoma_shottie: is typing...
nekoma_shottie: <3 goodnight

again i felt these butterflies.
i wonder if he responded with the heart simply to match my energy, or maybe because he thought it was friendly, or if he did so because he'd fallen madly in love with me and is now obsessed.

whatever the case may be, i yawned in my hands as i realized in order to be well rested for tommorow i should probably go to bed now.

i climbed into my bed deciding to take a shower in the morning, and used my remote to turn off my light.

i took out my phone and instinctively started to scroll through instagram watching those weird satisfying videos, when i realized i was supposed to be sleeping and put my phone down.

i closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.


my alarm started to play at full volume and i jolted up, doing my best to find my phone while i was still 3/4ths asleep.

i turned it off and unknowingly layed back down closing my eyes. that stupid alarm. i'm not waking up.


another alarm.
i angrily sat up to turn it off and realized i knew myself too well.

i had 6 more alarms lined up to go off within a minute of eachother. simply because i didn't want to oversleep and ever have to rush to get ready.

i dragged my lazy carcass out of bed and flipped on my light, scratching my head as i longed to be back in bed.

when i went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, my eyes shot open realizing... it's my first day at a new school!!!

this is my chance to reinvent myself and maybe be liked for a change.
i frantically started to undress, realizing i had so much to do if i was going to go trying to have a better school life than before.

at my old school, i had been the poor loser that no one dared to talk to. the rumors made about me weren't even half as bad as things actually were. and now that i had all this money to blow, i was sure as hell going to use it to feel better about myself.

i turned on the shower and took my hair out of its rubber band so that i could wet it. (listen i'm making your hair curly because y/n never gets to have curly hair and i have curly hair, and it's to be inclusive. and don't say "straight hair is inclusive because you can flat iron your hair". because well then you can curl your hair. imagine it's curly for whatever reason you want or pretend it's straight anyways. but i'm writing it as curly~ thank you)

i stepped into the glass shower and started to rinse water through my curls.
i grabbed the shampoo and started to scrub, all the while imagining in my head what i would wear for my first day of school, something that would make me stand out in a good way.


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