✈️aeroplaine😭 idk i dont like titles

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after we all finished eating.
it was time to say goodbye, we all still sat in a circle on the ground.

"hey what's your next class?"
kuroo asked me curiously.
i frantically took out my shedule.
"uhhh.. looks like- mr parks english class".
i said.

kuroo started cackling and the team followed along. "that's too perfect". he said.
"i know right, like bring out the cameras already". lev said laughing.

"what's so funny"? i asked.
kuroo turned to me. "it's nothing, but uh- you and kenma have the same class so maybe you guys can sit together"? my face turned red.
"uh-um". i turned to kenma to see him looking at me with no reaction.

"kenma"? kuroo asked his friend.
"sure". he said back.
my body was warm, i don't know what made him so attractive, but right now i'd like- do anything for him.

the bell rang, and we all stood up.
some of the boys already making their way back out the door.

i quickly stood up and fixed my tank top, then looked up to see kenma waiting by the metal door and staring right at me.

"are- you waiting for me"? i called out.
he nodded and looked down at the ground.

i walked towards him and he held the door open and let me inside. then we walked down the stairs in silence.

"so uh- is the teacher nice"? i asked trying to make small talk. he hesitated to speak.
"yeah i guess he's fine".

"cool". i said back trying not to be annoying.

we walked through the halls in even more silence.
until finally,

"kuroo said you like video games".
"are you kidding, they're my life, i literally can't go a day without them"
he smiled.
"yeah? what's your favorite one"?
"this one game called gun guard".
his eyes opened wide.
"really? i love that game"!
his voice was getting louder, and it made me feel like he was starting to like me more.

"woah! i play jump start, kid warrior, house of rule, the shadow mission".. i turned to see his face looking surprised.
"i love those too". he said actually showing his smile now. i blushed and looked forward.

"this is the class right here". he said walking in a door.
i turned and walked in, students were sitting at the two person tables, side by side.

kenma had already walked all the way to the front and sat at one of the desks by himself.
should i follow him?

the teachers desk was at the back of the room strangely.

maybe he won't mind if i sit with him. i started to walk forward when i heard whispers behind me.
"hey, you shouldn't follow kenma around like that, you're not really his type". some girl with blonde hair said.

"what"? i asked back confused.
she smiled and her friend started to giggle under her hand, i walked closer to her and leaned down.
her eyes opened a bit and they stopped laughing.
"i wasnt following him". i said.
they started to elbow eachother and smile.

"good, but just so you know my friend here is going to ask kenma out, so stop trying to get his attention". she said.

"y/n, you can sit here"! a voice said behind me.
i turned around to see kenma staring right at me.
pointing to the seat next to him.

everyone in the class had wide eyes.
i guess they had never heard kenma talk that loud before.

before i walked away.
the blonde hair girl grabbed my wrist.
i turned back aggressively.

"what did you do? he never lets people sit by him".
she asked.
i pulled my hand back offended she had touched me.
you know what- i came to this new school and i'm not getting walked over again.

"first off, don't touch me unless you wanna get your ass beat. second off, stay out of my business, thank you".

i turned away and started to walk towards kenma.
my stomach was twisted.
i felt dizzy... standing up to people was nerve racking.

just as i sat down kenma looked at me.
"oh- i thought you were gonna sit with them instead, i was kind of sad". he said.

that took me by surprise.
"they said that you didn't like people sitting by you". i said as i now took a seat to the right of him.

"no, i just don't usually like people". he smiled.
wait so- does that mean he likes me then?

just as a got a little more comfortable next to him.
i got a text message.
it was from kuroo.

oaktree- 🧍🏽‍♀️i would beat her ass on the moon. try me bitch. also kenma is too hot right now. can we just go to the bathroom already 😣🥵

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