?are you?

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when kenma came back into the room. he brought me a bottle of water and a huge blanket, then he got into his bed with only boxers, and spooned my naked body.

he played with my hair as my tears slowly went away, and he turned off his room light.

i felt so warm, so safe, so i just closed my eyes.
feeling kenma pressed against me.
his arm around me.
i didn't want to get up.

i woke up inhaling sharply, confused on where i was. and who was holding me.

realization hit me, i was still asleep on kenmas bed.
i only planned to take a quick nap.
shit what time is it?

i got up out of his bed and he groaned.
i checked my phone that was on the table, to see it was 11:30.

my parents hadn't texted or called.
i'd doubt they'd notice if i was in my room or not.
but still i could get in trouble for staying the night with a boy.

"y/n". kenma said rubbing his eyes, half asleep.
i turned to him quickly and walked to the bed.
"kenma i accidentally fell asleep". i said in a frantic whisper.
"me tooo". he said sleepily.
it was so cute.

"i don't want to get caught". i said back.
"i'm gonna try to sneak into my house".

"noooo". kenma whispered rubbing his eyes more.
"why"? i asked.
"stay with me". he said yawning and grabbing my wrist.

"kenma".. i sighed.
"please". he whispered back more awake now.
"i don't know".. i hesitated.

"you can go home early to change and then take me to school". kenma said.

"you just want a ride". i giggled.
he pulled the covers down and revealed his body, his sharp v-line leading down to the bulge in his boxers is what caught my attention.

he reached his hand down and grabbed the bulge.
"come on.. if you stay then i'll give you a prize later". he said as he moved his dick around hitching his breath.

i climbed into his bed smiling.
it was too tempting to resist.
"i want it now". i whined.
"but y/nnnn i'm so tired". he complained.

"i want it". i said in his ear, as i rubbed down his stomach. "put it inside". i whined now rubbing it myself.

he laughed a little.
"let's just do cock warming". he said.
"what's that"? i asked.
"just sleep with it inside you".

my eyes widened.
"really"? i asked back.
he nodded and closed his eyes.

"i'm tired so you have to do it". he said as he went back to sleep in front of my face.

i quickly and excitedly pulled his boxers down and grabbed his dick.
i played with it a little while "sleeping kenma". still had the energy to play with my clit.

then i slid it in.
kenma moaned in my ear and then went quiet again.

i let it slide all the way inside, and then slightly moaned at the pleasure.

after a while it was warming my insides, and kenma pulled me closer hugging me from behind.

i closed my eyes.
now i sleep?
how could i with him inside me?

kenma slightly thrusted every few minutes making my legs shake.

"it's so late, stop being horny". he laughed.
"i can't with your dick inside me". i said squirming.
"ill fuck you tomorrow" he said.
i huffed. whatever.

i panted as kenma finally came on my face.
he had woken me up by thrusting into me, which was a shock at first.
that led to me blowing him quickly so i could head home to get ready for school.

after we were done.
he got dressed and we got in my car.
i snuck inside and quickly threw on a black hoodie and red joggers since kenma wanted to match today.

then we headed to school where kenma and i parted ways until third period.

the day went by really quick.
friday was always my happy day.

when i entered the gym for fifth period, the coach told us we would be playing indoor basketball, which i was not looking forward to at all.

until kuroo walked into the gym while the coach was giving instructions to all the girls sitting on the floor.
when kuroo popped in, i heard whispers of people calling him hot, and people wishing him luck today.

luck today? OH RIGHT- today they have a
"come on y/n". kuroo shouted looking at me.
all the girls turned to look at me, some in shock and some giving dirty looks. "me"? i asked.

"are you gonna come with us to the game or not"?
he asked throwing his head back.
the girls shouted at that. "we can sign up to go"?! some girl screamed.

kuroo put his hand up.
"no of course not, this was a special deal with the coach". kuroo replied.

"well how come she gets to go"? some girl asked all pissy.
"she's dating a player so the coach is allowing it".

now it was sort of silent.
GOD- why did he have to say that.
i don't even know if me and kenma are technically dating. 

"which one"? the girl snarked.
"yeah yeah". everyone else whispered.

the gym door opened again.
..kenma walked in with his hands in his jogger pockets. they weren't dressed in jerseys yet.

and we were so clearly matching.
"y/n the coach said if you wanna come, you gotta hurry up and get on the bus". kenma said walking up to me as everyone watched.

kuroo sighed and started to walk out.
kenma put his hand out and i grabbed it.
"so it's him". girls whispered.
"kenma". the rude girl said.
kenma looked down at her.
"what"? he asked with a sort of disinterested look on his face.

"are you two dating"?
kenma put his hand on my waist and scooted me closer to him.

"what about it"? he asked.
their eyes all went wide, and mine did too.

"so you are"? she asked.
"what do you think". he huffed and grabbed my hand pulling me away from them.

i heard more whispers from behind me as we left the gym and walked outside.

there- the nekoma volleyball bus was waiting.
and kenma smiled at me. 
i can't believe he did it.

oaktree- WHOO a new adventure is coming up!!
also WHOO- wait.. who tf was that girl with the attitude? and what was she so damn rude for?...

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