thats- nice. the end

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this was it.
me and kenma sat on the stage with the lying cunts.
but we were about to play our asses off.

"ken im so nervous". i said not holding back from showing i was scared.
"it's not like we die if we lose". he said.
well- that wasn't really reassuring but okay.

it felt like forever, but the game finally started!

running, screaming, sweating

it was so intense to go against top gamers. when this was our very first competition.
nonetheless, we weren't going down without a fight.

it took a total of 13 minutes. but me and kenma did it. we beat the larsens and took our victory! we were so happy. hugging and jumping on the stage. even seeing as we formed a few fans. what an experience.

"you did so good"! kenma exclaimed hugging me as we walked backstage.
"you did too"! i complimented his quick thinking when i thought we almost died.

"come on you two, we have to walk to a speacial room to collect your custom trophies". some lady with a clipboard said.

"cool"! i said following behind her.
wow- a trophy with my gamer tag on it.
i'm sure kenma was even more excited.

"ken isn't it"-? i stopped to look at him and he just looked nervous.
"what's wrong"? i asked.
"oh nothing". he said walking faster.
huh? what a bullshit excuse. there's definitely something wrong.
it's written all over his face.

i caught up with the clipboard lady and she led us down long hallways.
"do you think the trophies are expensive"? i whispered.
"hm- uh maybe". kenma said not even paying attention.

"come on ken! we just won". i said looking in his eyes. "i know, there's nothing wrong im just tired"'
whatever. i was excited for this.

we kept walking until she finally shoved open a door and revealed other kids collecting smaller trophies, while two large ones stood at the other side of the room.
woah- are those for us? really?

"come this way". the lady said escorting us passed the bustle of people.
i smiled as she handed me a giant trophy.
and gasped when i saw (nintendhoe) on the front of it.
wait- i have to hide that from my dad.

she handed kenma his and he turned it towards his chest.
"let me see". i said excitedly.
"uh- it's the same as yours". he replied.
"no it's not, let me see how the tag looks".

he parted his lips and looked around.
"your tag can't be that embarrassing". i laughed.
i grabbed the side and turned it.
(nekoma shottie)
"wait you have the same.."
instant regret. instant humiliation.
instant death wish.

all those things i told him. i thought i was confiding in some shy and quiet loner kid.
not kenma.
well- he was the shy loner kid but he didn't even tell me?!

"KEN what the fuck. why didn't you say anything."
"i didn't want you to feel weird that it was me".
"yeah- i'd feel A LOT less weird if i hadn't told you about my crush".

he rubbed his neck.
"i'm sorry i lied about it".
"that's so weird of you". i said not knowing how to feel.
"you should have just said something ,and not be creepy about it"
kenma lowered his head.


i leaned in and hugged him.
"but thanks for keeping me company for half a year though". i laughed.
he hugged me back.
"are you mad"? he asked like a child.
i sighed. "i'm- confused".

we took out trophies and left the room.

it was such a struggle to avoid my dad seeing my trophy name.
but eventually me and kenma left to his house and i decided i would just keep it there.

now we layed on his bed, trying to take a nap.

"can't believe we won". i said astonished.
"same here". he laughed.

"can't believe you stalked me".
"can't believe you didn't notice".

i yanked his hair.
"ow"! he laughed again.

i leaned over and kissed him on the lips.
he was a little pink at that.
kenma grabbed my arm and put my hand on his face. "heal me of this shame". he whispered.

i raised his nose and made him look like a pig.
"not that". he slapped my hand off.

"i had so much fun today, more fun than i've had in so long". kenma said closing his eyes.
"me too". i said closing my eyes with him.

i wrapped my leg over him and he pulled the cover up higher.

"sometimes i forgot what it feels like to be truly happy and content like this". he said.
wow- getting all emo on me?
"i understand, i mean. my life was practically hell before the money, and here you are. showing me i didn't even care about it that much".

kenma smiled and kissed my forehead.
"this might sound dumb, but i'm glad we both like video games, it's how i escape".
i nodded.
"yeah i get it".
he put his hand on my thigh underneath the heavy blanket.

and used his light remote to turn the light off.
"goodnight". he whispered.
"goodnight". i whispered back.

"i love you". he said even quieter.
"i- love you too". i said smiling from ear to ear in the darkness.


"do you want to fuck me"? i asked.



:) you kinky little y/n.


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