Chapter 38: White Fang Coup Part 2

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Who?" Talia asked as I remained frozen in shock and took me a moment to hear what she said.

"Someone who was once considered a friend." I said sadly.

"Do you know why he's here?" Summer asked.

"No I don't, last time I saw him... I kinda shot an arrow through his eye and left him for dead." I answered uncomfortably as Summer looked at me with shock and a little disturbed from what she heard.

"What?! Why the-!"

"Silence Zahra! You'll give out our position!" Talia said sternly and glared at us.

"Sorry..." She bowed slightly before we turned our attention back to the scene in front of us which I couldn't help but stare at Slade to see him alive after all these years.

"Who are you?" Sienna demanded the unannounced guest in front of her.

"My name isn't a concern to you since well, you'll be dead by tonight." Slade said menacingly before turning to face Adam. "Remember the deal, don't turn back and betray us or the mistress would feed you to a pack of Grimm." He threatened which made the bull Faunus growl in annoyance and frustration.

"Yes I know, just hurry up and deal with her already so we can get this over with." Adam ordered as Slade simply rolled his eyes behind the mask.

"Still can't believe I'm being forced to take orders by an annoying brat." He muttered in annoyance and looked at Sienna before reaching his hand and behind his back pocket before quickly throwing a pair of throwing knives at her. She braced for her death but to her surprise, two arrows flew down above her and hit the knives before they hit her as she looked up to see me jump down in front of her with Summer and Talia jumping down and knocking down the two guards beside her.

"Hello there." I said casually as Slade's eyes widened behind his mask for a moment before he then glared at me.

(I couldn't help myself again and it concerns me because this is my introduction now when I meet people, which is amusing when I meet people who get it.)

"So after all this time, we meet again." He said keeping his narrowed eyes at me.

"Yeah, though I would be lying saying I'm not shocked to see you alive after... you know." I said uncomfortably as Adam looked back and forth.

"You know this bastard?" He asked, glaring at me behind his mask.

"In a way yes." Slade said before looking at the assassins beside me. "Those two I don't know who they are, but I don't care, they're all going to be dead by tonight." He said coldly before taking his gun from his holster and opened fire at us, I quickly grabbed Sienna and got us into cover behind her throne as Summer and Talia jumped out of the way with the other White Fang members opening fire.

"Now!" Talia called out as an arrow flew towards Slade who simply reeled his head back as it flew past him before looking up to see the rest of the assassins jumping down and gaining the attention of the White Fang members.

"Damn it! We're surrounded!" Adam growled out in annoyance as his followers looked around doing nothing which annoyed him more. "What're you idiots just standing around for?! Shoot!" He ordered which snapped the White Fang members out of their shock and began to open fire at the assassins and the battle began.

"(C/N)! Get Sienna out of here while we handle them!" Talia ordered as she disarmed a guard who charged at her and simply kneed him in the face, knocking him out cold.

"Copy!" I obliged before looking at Sienna who was trying to break free from my grasp. "Let's get you out of here."

"I'd rather stand and fight to show that ungrateful traitor a thing or two for turning on m-WOW!" She was cut off when I picked up her bridal stance which caused her cheeks to flush up and began to feel indifferent about it and ran through the back door behind the throne as Summer and Talia charged towards Slade and Adam.

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