Chapter 24: Night Out with Weiss~ (Lemon)

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-(Y/N) POV-

So today's the day I get to take Weiss Schnee out on a date, which I'm sure most men would trade an arm and a leg to date a Schnee. But luckily and somehow I was able to win over Weiss and warmed her cold heart, which I still wonder sometimes why she chose me over all the guys that threw themselves at her. Maybe I should ask her while we're on our date? Right now I'm getting ready for the date after taking a quick shower and drying myself off, I combed my hair and putting on a nice (F/C) suit. After getting fully dressed I walked out the bathroom to see the twins on the bed on their Scrolls wearing their pajamas before noticing me walking out.

"So girls, how do I look?" I asked spinning around to give them a good look.

"So girls, how do I look?" I asked spinning around to give them a good look

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"Handsome as always.~" Melanie said seductively as the twins got off the and walked up to me.

"Indeed, but do you always have to wear (F/C) clothes?" Militia asked playfully as they both pressed themselves against me.

"What? I just really like the color. Besides, you girls always wear clothes with the same color so I don't I want hear it." I said playfully as I gestured at their white and red pajamas.

"Okay, fair point." They said as we shared a chuckle before they learned up to me kissed me on my cheeks and began to grope my body.

"Um girls," I began as they caress my body and their hand slowly lowered down to my groin. "Girls stop."

"Oh, you don't like this?~" Melanie asked seductively.

"Yes I do, it's just that..."

"That what?"

"Wilson watching us." I said gesturing to look behind them as we looked to see Wilson in his crib looking at us curiously making the twins blush in embarrassment and pushed themselves away from us.

"Sorry!" They apologized as I chuckled and walked towards his crib to see him giggling when she saw me above him.

"It's fine, he's just a baby and won't remember this but control yourselves a bit better. Especially when he gets a little older." I said to them as I gave my hand to my son who was giggling and playing with my hand. "So you girls will be fine watching Wilson for tonight? Normally Blake or her team would watch him but she and the others are falling a bit behind so they're studying."

"Yeah we can watch him, I mean it's not like we just got here and have a lot of catching up to do." Melanie said sarcastically.

"Thanks I knew I can count on you." I said smugly as I can feel her eyes twitching in annoyance while Militia giggled.

"I was being sarcastic." She said.

"I know." I said calmly as Wilson continued to mess with my hand.

"Oum I hate you sometimes." She said as I chuckle before pulling back my hand away and turn back to face the twins.

"That's not what you said few nights ago.~" I said walking up to her and pulling her to a hug. "Plus I know you and Miltia wouldn't mind taking care of Wilson."

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