Chapter 40: Returned to Beacon

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Do you have to leave?" Kali asked sadly as we stood in front of the ship that is set to sail back to Vale saying our goodbyes while we waited for the sailors to finish loading the ship with their cargo.

"Yes, we need to get going, we have classes to attend and probably a lot of work to catch up on. Plus, I'm sure Ozpin wants to hear what happened as soon as we get back." I explained as I held Wilson close to me.

"But mom, you can visit us anytime and I'm sure Ozpin wouldn't mind you dropping by." Blake said, grabbing her hands comforting before leaning closer. "Though, if you ever get that itch then I'm sure (Y/N) would be happy to help.~" She added as Kali giggled and comped softly.

"I'll keep that in mind." She said with her attitude a little risen before she walked up to me or more specifically to say her goodbye to Wilson.

"I'm going to miss you!~ Yes I am!~" She said playfully as Wilson cooed and raised his little arms at her which brought a smile to my face. "You're going to be a great big brother!~" She added, sending her daughter a wink who simply rolled her eyes and made Velvet giggle.

"Yeah, he will." I said as Kali giggled before turning to face Velvet and Blake.

"Are you looking forward to being a mother Blake?" She asked.

"Excited... a little nervous, maybe a bit scared." Blake said honestly only for her mom to give her a brief hug.

"Oh it's okay to feel those things, I felt those same feelings when I was going to have you, but I'm confident you'll be a great mother. After all, I raised you." She said confidently, earning a giggle from Blake and sent her a smile before she turned to face the rabbit Faunus. "What about you Velvet? Are you sure you're not pregnant? With the amount (Y/N) shot in you, you are most certainly pregnant." She asked as Velvet sighed a bit in disappointment.

"As much as I wanted to, I decided to wait at least after Beacon before I start a family, luckily I've been taking the pill since we got here so I wouldn't get pregnant." Velvet said.

"Shame, but if you ever change your mind I'm sure (Y/N) would give you a child if you ask nicely.~" Kali teased as I chuckled.

"I already have my hands full, even though it would be nice but I think later on would be a good time to have more kids." I said until we heard a loud horn from the boat behind.

"We're departing in fifteen minutes! Hurry up and load the rest of the cargo and we'll depart!" I heard the captain announced to his crew. "Looks like we should start boarding the ship and get to our room, we have a long trip ahead of us." I said as Kali couldn't help but let out a sad sigh.

"Yeah... I would kiss you goodbye right now but if anyone around here catches me kissing you it will cause a headache for me and Ghira after we promise to keep our divorce a secret from the public." Kali explained sadly as I gave her a warm smile and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine Kali, maybe when we get a break we can come visit you or you can come visit us." I said as her sad expression softened.

"I'd like that." She said softly as we said our goodbyes with Kali and Blake sharing one last hug and after not seeing each other for a long time I can tell neither one wants to leave. I handed Wilson to Velvet so I could grab our bags as we both walked into the boat with Blake reluctantly following us. Not long after we boarded the ship, the horn rang signaling our departure, we still stood at the edge of the ship as we began to eat sail and waved Kali a goodbye. She waved us goodbye as she watched us slowly sail away until she couldn't see us anymore, after she couldn't see us she let out a small sad sigh before she turned and walked away back to her home. Though as she walked home she thought of our time we spent together during our stay in Menagerie and couldn't get the images of the heated night we shared last night. She felt her face warm-up and a warm smile appeared on her face as she felt her hands move on their own onto her belly and slowly caressed it.

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