Chapter 21: Baking with Ruby

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-(Y/N POV-

'Soooo bored!' I mentally groaned as I slammed my head on the desk trying to stay awake as I am in Professor Ports class listening to one of his many stories. Though at this point I'm starting think they are all made up.

It's been about two weeks since I helped Constantine and since the Malachite Twins joined Beacon, which is still a shocker but I'm glad that they're here. At first it was a bit rocky considering that Yang and them had some history so there was a bit tension when they're close to each other. But they eventually got used to each other and can tolerate each other but now their practically fight for my attention. Which wasn't bad to be honest since their little competition for my attention and affection would end up with us in bed.~ That doesn't include the many times me and Blake had our fair share of alone time too. I shook my head a bit trying to ignore the thoughts and tried to focus on Port but he's just so boring!

"As I slayed the mighty Grimm, it laid by my feet as l-" He was cut off when the school bell went off. Thank Oum! "Oh! Looks like Class it out for today! You all are excuse and hope you all have a fantastic day and don't forget to do your assignments!" He said everyone in the class were getting ready.

"What assignment?! We haven't learn anything in this class!" I whispered loudly as the girls giggled but felt the same, except for Weiss of course. We all got our things before walking out the class and said our goodbye to JNPR and went our separate ways as I the let out a tired sigh.

"Finally! I'm not sure how but it feels like Port's class is getting longer and more and more boring!" I groaned.

"Tell me about it, I'm not sure how much more I can take it." Yang said agreeing with me.

"When me and Militia decided to join, we expected more combat training, but we do more sitting around." Melanie complained and her sister nodded, feeling the same way.

"You all should feel lucky, not many get a chance to be at a prestige academy." Weiss said looking at me, Yang and the twins.

"And a lot of people get disappointed when they realize how boring the prestige academy can be." I said smirking as she glared at me and pouted making me chuckle. "I'm kidding. Anyway I'm going to pick up Wilson from Peach, anyone want to come.

"I'll go!" Ruby said cheerfully.

"Me too." Blake said.

"I'll pass, I haven't trained in awhile and I feel a little out of shape." Yang said.

"I need to start training for the next assignment." Weiss said.

"Of course." We all said at the same time.

"Hey!" She shouted as I chuckled before looking at the twins.

"What about you two?"

"Actually me and Melanie are going to study with Weiss, even though it's going to suck," Militia said getting another 'Hey' from Weiss before continuing. "But we need it. We showed up late and we have a lot to catch up on."

"Okay, then I'll see you girls tonight then." I said looking at Ruby and Blake. "So you two ready?" I asked as they nodded. "Cool, see you girls later." I said as me, Ruby and Blake walked off to get Wilson and the other girls went their separate ways.

We were walking down the hallway with Blake walking beside me holding my hand as she was reading her book and Ruby fever to jump on my back so I was giving her a piggyback ride. We were having a nice conversation with each other or more with me and Ruby since Blake was pretty quiet and was reading her book. Of course Ruby asked me if I want to make some cookies with her later today in my dorm and smiled and said yes as I kissed her.

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