Chapter 11: Combat Class

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-(Y/N) POV-

After Blake dragged me into Combat Class, she forced me to sit next to her with her team as we waited for the class to start. But as we were all talking I briefly noticed Yang glaring at me and mumble something to Weiss who was know glaring at me. 'I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.' I thought to myself as I felt a shiver go down my spine but then turned out attention away from each other when we saw Glynda Hotwitch walk in the classroom.

"Greeting students, welcome to Combat Class, I am Professor Goodwitch you teacher for the class. To explain the class is quite simple, you all with engage each other in spar to grow stronger and hone your skill to become great Hunters. Now, to start for our first match of the class will be..." She pressed a button on her tablet and two large holo screen appeared above the arena showing me and Pyrrha. "(Y/N) (L/N) vs Pyrrha Nikos, you two can go get ready and be back here quickly."

"This is going to be fun." I said standing up and leaving the classroom to get dressed in my outfit. After getting dressed into my outfit I put my quiver in my back and grabbing my bow before I made my way back to the class to see Pyrrha in her combat outfit.

"Now that you two are ready please get into position." Glynda said as Pyrrha readied Miló and Akoúo as I pulled out an arrow and placed it on my... bow. Should give my bow a name since everyone gives there's a name.

"Are you ready to lose Pyrrha?" I asked mockingly with a grin on my face as she had a smile of her own.

"Well just have to see about that." She said smiling.

"Begin!" Glynda shouted at us and the match has begun.

Pyrrha charged at me as I quickly fired a couple of arrows at her but she easily deflected them with her shield Akoúo. She the. Swung Miló at me but was able to block it with my bow, but she then bashed me face with her shield, pushing me back a bit. She then slashed at me again but I ducked down and went to punch her in the gut but she moved her shield down and I punched it. I mentally cursed and gripped my fist that was in pain for punching a god damn shield. Pyrrha took this opportunity and kicked me, sending me sliding against the ground. I stood back up slowly and grinned at her.

"Not bad Pyrrha, I can see why you won four Mistral Regional Tournaments in a row. But I thinks it's time for me to get more serious." I said turning my bow into two swords before charging at her as I repeatedly slashed at her but she easily blocked them.

-Ruby POV-

We watched the two face off and it started off with Pyrrha with the upper hand, landing some hard blows, but the (Y/N) turned his bow into its sword form and charging at her. Now it was looking like he was getting the upper hand and launching a barrage of fast strikes that Pyrrha was barely able to keep up. I looked up at the large screen above the arena to see that Pyrrha was in the green buy close to yellow and (Y/N) was in the yellow. But so far from watching the match, I noticed of his fighting style was almost the exact same as the hood, or (C/N) is what he calls himself. He even uses the same bow as the vigilante and wears something similar with the exact same color, but it all can be a coincidence... right?

But my thoughts about it was distracted when I saw (Y/N) disarming Pyrrha's shield and javelin from her hands and knocking her down. Now that she was defenseless, he charged at her and swung his blades at her but again she dodged them, but he did land a few hits on her and thanks to her Aura she wasn't to hurt. (Y/N) then went for another strike but the I saw Pyrrha's javelin flew back to her and managed to block the attack, and (Y/N)'s weapons flew out of his hands before she kicked him away from her. He landed on his back as Pyrrha jumped on him swinging Miló at him but he grabbed it, but he grabbed the blade part of it so it went through his hand, making everyone's eyes widen.

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