Chapter 20: Big Surprise

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-(Y/N) POV-

So it turned out that running from the authorities took a little too long and missed the last Bullhead back to Beacon and had to stay in a cheap motel for the night, and by stay I mean sneak in since I forgot my wallet at my dorm. I informed the girls through my Scroll that I was going to be back in the morning since I missed my ride which they were okay with it but we're asking me a lot of questions. I simply told them it was a small mission from Ozpin and had one of his friends find me in Forever Fall before heading out. Luckily they believed me and kept what I did a secret as I went to bed but not before I relieve a little stress since Yang sent me some... pictures.

After a good j guy rest I put on my normal clothes on and putting my vigilante outfit in a duffel bag before sneaking back out and making my way to the docks. I arrived at the docks and saw that the Bullhead hasn't arrived yet so I sat down in a bench and dropped my duffle bag next to me. I pulled out my Scroll to check on any news to kill time as I waited for the Bullhead to arrive.

"(Y/N)!!!!" I heard two familiar voices behind me as I stood up and turned around to see the Malachite twins running up to me or jumped towards me and tackled me to the ground.

"H-Hey girls." I groaned in pain as they tackled me to the ground and hugged me tightly feeling my face turn blue. "N-Need... Air!"

"Sorry!" The two apologized as they let got off of me and stood up as I coughed and stood back up.

"What are you girls doing here?" I asked as the two giggled.

"We're going to Beacon!" The two said excitedly as I was simply frozen there in shock.

"H-How?" I asked in shock.

"It seemed that a certain Headmaster was impressed with their skills from the fight with that David guy and decided to enroll them to Beacon. Heck, he even showed up at the club to personally recruit them." I heard another familiar voice as I looked over them and saw Junior with a small smile as he and few of his men were holding about six luggage's in their hands.

"Oh hey Junior, and do you know why he decided now to enroll the two? The fight was a long time ago?" I asked.

"Not sure why but when he asked the girls they were actually excited to go, though it's go by to be tough without them. Especially if we get trouble in my club." Junio said as I chuckled before getting pinched by the cheek by the twins as they pouted and glared at me.

"What you don't want us to go?!" They pouted at me and pinched my cheeks harder.

"Ow! Stop that! That's not what I meant, I'm just surprised is all!" I shouted in pain as they let go leaving red marks on my cheeks.

"It okay I'm just glad we can finally be with you again." Melanie said happily and hugged me as Miltia did the same.

"Same, though this is unexpected I'm just happy to see you two again. I can't wait for you two to meet my son." I said happily before I felt their grip tighten as I look down to see them glaring at me as dark aura was emulating around them. I gulped and started to sweat a bit as Junior and some of his men took a few steps back.

"(Y/N) did you knocked up someone while you were gone or was it one of your Ex's that showed up with your kid?" Miltia asked rather coldly and aggressive as my face paled since well... the first one did happen.

"N-No it's not like that, I found the little guy abandoned so I took him and decided to raise him myself. He's better with me then he is an an orphanage." I said nervously.

"I see you still don't trust any orphanages." Junior said.

"After what I've been through I don't know who's running them but I'm not leaving and infant to psychotic foster parents." I said aggressively but the twins hugged me again calming me down.

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