Chapter 9: A Little Chat

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-(Y/N) POV-

I slowly opened my eyes and let out a tired yawn before I tried to get up up but felt something holding me down on the bed. Looking down I saw both the Malachite Twins sleeping against me with their arms wrapped around me and both nude under the bed sheets. I smiled as I remembered what we did last night and remembered the moans and screaming that was heard through the room. Looking around the room for the clock to see the time, and after moments of looking I found a clock above the door and saw it was 6:45 a.m. making my eyes widen a bit.

'Might as well take a shower.' I thought to myself. I had about two hours to make it back to Beacon so I managed to break free from the Twins grasp and snuck into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Entering the bathroom I turned the knob of the shower waiting a second before the water started to pour down. I decided to wait a bit feeling the waters is too cold to my liking, I briefly looked at the mirror. I examined my body and saw all my scars that covered my muscular but lean body that I got from training and my work forms being a vigilante. After a quick warm shower and drying up and putting the towel around my waist before I walked out the bathroom and noticed the Twins waking up.

"Sorry I woke up you two." I apologized as they sat up covering their chest with the blanket.

"What time is it?" Melanie asked yawning looking at the clock to see it's 7:00 a.m. "Ugh... why so early?"

"I have to head back before anyone finds out I went out, I really don't want to deal with Ozpin."I said finishing getting ready by booting on my boots. I turned and walked up to the twins giving them a quick kiss. "So I'm going to get dressed and I'll see you girls later." I said and started to walk to the dresser, I have some spare clothes since I come here often... maybe a bit too often. But before I can make my way over there, the two pulled me back and pinned me against the bed, pressing their nude body against my own nude body with only a towel covering my lower region.

"You know, you don't have to go back.~" Melanie whispered in my ears seductively before starting to nibble on them.

"I would love to stay here and continue our fun, but really need to get going." I said as I felt her moving down and kissing my neck making me groan a hit in pleasure as I felt my body get excited.

"Hey, I want some of the action.~" Miltia said seductively, deciding to join in as she started to caress my chest and slowly move it lower before her hand is on my crotch.

"C-Can you please stop! I-I really have to get going." I pleaded but moaned a bit when I felt Miltia starting rub her hand on my crotch and Melanie joining in.

"I can see your getting excited again.~" Melanie said as they stared at the tent through the towel. I managed to recompose myself and gently punching off of me and standing up making the two pout.

"Why did you get up? We were just getting to the best part." Miltia pouted.

"Yeah, and your little friend was getting excited." Melanie pouted pointing at my tent as I turned away.

"Sorry, I would love to continue but I really should get going." I said as they sighed. "Don't worry this won't be the last time you see me, I'll be sure to come back again and we can continue where we left off."

"But we don't know when though." Melanie pouted.

"Yeah so why we have a quickie and fatter that you're good to go." Miltia said as the twins were giving me the puppy eyes. I tried to look away but couldn't as I stared into their eyes but trailed down as I was looking at their naked bodies before chuckling a bit.

"You know what, screw it, let's have some fun." I said smirking a bit but was pulled back into the bed as the twins began kissing me into a makeout session before things started to get heated.

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