Chapter 31: Date with Velvet

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Ah... Ah... Amazing as always.~" Blake moaned, taking deep breaths and covering her  sweaty body with the bed sheets while Melanie was passed out next to her, both with satisfied smiles plastered on their faces.

"Thanks, though you have been a little bit more... frisky then usual, is there a reason why?" I asked pulling away from Militia grasp who passed out as well before sitting up from bed as she giggled.

"Oh nothing but there is something I've been thinking lately." She said as she watched me put back my boxers and turn back to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Is it about your parents?"

"No... well they're still on my mind and I'm still trying to build up the courage to talk to them. It's another thing I've been thinking and I wanted to say it back at the library but you had to leave but... With Glynda, Weiss pregnant and Oum knows if these two are as well. It just got me thinking..." She gave me a warm smile. "I want a baby."

"I'm flattered and would like nothing more to have kids with you but with the Vytal Festival coming up in a few months it's going to be a bit difficult. I already told Ozpin about Weiss being pregnant and he was annoyed most I've seen him been but he promised to make sure the public doesn't know and more specifically her family. So now I have to participate in her place while mine has to stay out, which works out since the twins and Dinah didn't want to participate in it in the first place."

"Seems you know how to annoy the Headmaster of Beacon like a pro." She giggled. "Though wouldn't it be nice, to have another kitten running around with their siblings... looking out for each other, watching them grow up together."

"That does sound nice but we're in Beacon to be Hunters and should wait off till after we graduate." I said grabbing some nice clothes, preparing my date with Velvet this evening but not before I took a shower of course.

"I'm afraid it might be too late." She gave me a smirk as I turned back and looked at her oddly until it clicked in and looked at her in disbelief.


"Well I don't know if I'm pregnant, but since I've been in heat for a few days now I'm sure it's very likely that I am." Blake said, giving a smile and looking very happy and hopeful.

"Congratulations..." The twin muttered in their sleep, or I think they're asleep.

"So you were in heat and didn't tell me about it?"

"I wanted to keep it a surprise though with how much I really wanted your 'attention' I thought it would be clear for you to piece things together." She said. "Though if it makes you feel better Faunus are a bit more difficult to impregnate which is why we wait until we're in heat to make it easier but even then it's difficult, which is why the heat lasts for like a week or two. Normally a sign that I am pregnant is of course a pregnancy test or when I'm no longer in heat before it ends. I would explain how heat works but I'm sure you have to get ready with your date with Velvet."

"Yeah I guess that does help me a bit but now you got me thinking, is Velvet in heat or is it different for each... feature?" I asked not wanting to say animal or anything racist but it didn't help when she narrowed her briefly at me.

"Kinda racist but you're right I depend really on the Faunus and when they're born, very confusing to explain to humans. As for Velvet I'm not sure but what she told me her heat is coming up soon." She answered with a grin and shot me a wink.

"Great... we'll talk more about this but right now I'd need to freshen up, running a little behind and don't want to keep Velvet waiting." I said, giving her a small smile before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

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