Chapter 19: Helping an Old Friend

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait I've been very busy lately with school and work and getting a bit too distracted with the latest Spider-Man game. I'm sorry but here is the new chapter and hope you all enjoy!


-(Y/N) POV-

"John Constantine, never thought I'd see you again." I said smirking a bit, it's good to see a familiar face from my past. "What brings you here?"

"Simple, I require your assistance." Constantine said seriously as I wondered what he wants.

"Oh, and let me guess, you need my help to hunt a demon? Right?" I asked rather sarcastically as he chuckled before pulling out a cigar and lit it.

"You're not wrong but I require your skills to help me bring down a cult." He said.

"A cult?"

"I'll explain on the way but we should get going, I want to get there by nightfall." He said and started to walk away.

"Hold up, I can't just up and leave here." I pointed out as he stopped in his track and sighed before turning back to me. "Not only would the girls worry for me but what about Ozpin when he hears I went missing and assumed I just left Beacon."

"Don't worry kid I already called in a favor from him so you can give me a hand and to notify the professors on this trip that you'll be on the a mission. As for your girls I'm sure the professors will answer their questions." He said before pulling out a duffle bag from behind the tree and toss it to me. "I went ahead and sneaked into your dorm and grabbed your vigilante outfit along with some spare stuff. So with that out of the way we must really be going before they kill again." He said before walking away as I stood there for a few moments before sighing in defeat.

"Damn it." I muttered before following him but as I follow led him I pulled out my Scroll to let Blake and the girls to watch over Wilson while I'm gone before putting my Scroll away. "So where is this cult and what do they do?"

"They're actually located in the outskirts of Vale so we don't have to go too far and they do what most cults do, sacrifice lives to a greater power." Constantine said.

"So the usual then? Who are they worshipping." I asked.

"Just a demon you probably haven't heard of." He said but it sounded like he was hiding something, but I didn't think about it too much as he looked at me with a small smirk as we walked. "You know I've been keeping tabs on you for a while now, it would seem that you are still a ladies man and have a few lovely girls." Constantine said smirking a bit. "Considering how your last relationship went. Oh! Didn't you used to date that bandit leader Rav-" He started but I cut him off.

"Don't bring her up we both left in bad turns with her trying to murder me for no reason. Please don't bring up any of my Ex's ever and don't you ever mention her or what we were in front of Yang!" I said sternly.

"Oh? And why is that?" He asked smugly as we walked through the forest.

"Let's just say that I finally figured out she's her daughter." I said as he looked slightly surprised.

"Wow, I had my suspicions but what made you think she's her daughter?" He asked.

"Well, Yang told me how her mom walked off from her and her family and she did mentions something like that so I put the two together. They both also looked pretty identical so that helped me figured it out which I should've figured out the moment I set my eyes on hers." I explained.

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