Chapter 8: A Night Out

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-(Y/N) POV-

After getting dressed into my vigilante outfit but without the hood and mask and putting my bow and quiver on my back before I snuck out of Beacon for the night. I made it Vale and walked in the sidewalk making my way towards Juniors club to get myself a drink. After wondering the streets I finally made it as I stood in front of the door to Junior's club, hearing the loud music. I entered the club to see it busy as usual and made my way to the bar, where I see Junior doing the drinks.

"Sup Junior." I said sitting down at the bar as he looked at me with a small smile.

"Ah, it's good to see you again (Y/N). How long has it been since I last saw you in here? Couple months?"

"Yeah about three months since last time." I said.

"It's been awhile, you want the usual?" He asked.

"Well of course." I said with a smirk as he reached down and pulled out some whiskey, he poured some in a small glass cup and handing it to me, before I drank all of it. "Ahhhh! Now that's the good stuff, another." I said as he poured more in.

"So how have you been lately, still being a vigilante?" He asked me. Junior is one of the few people who knew who I was and what I do since they helped me a lot and had to tell them.

"Everything is great but...." I said taking a sip from my drink.

"But what?"

"But I've got into Beacon Academy, so it's going to cut into my vigilante work." I said before looking at him seriously. "Which is why I'm here. Got anything for me?"

"Yes I do, follow me to my office." He said turning to his left to face one of his men. "Hey I'm going on my break so I want you to handle the bar while I'm out." Junior said as the man nodded before I followed Junior to his office and the music was now muffled.

"Ah, some quietness. But back to business, is there anyone that the (C/N) needs to visit?"

"There is a couple here, I'll give you sometime to read through them." He said pulling out about five files and placing them on his desk as I began to read each of them. After reading through four of the files none of them were interesting or weren't worth my time but then reading the last one, it peaked my interest.

"David Jones, age 38... 52 counts of murder... involved in drug cartels... oooh this is interesting. It's says here he graduated from Beacon Academy about 20 years ago and went from being a famous Huntsman to a world renowned criminal." I explained with a smirk as I examined a picture of him. From what I see in the picture he has short black hair, black eyes and a small scar on his chin.. "This will be fun, and it says here he owns a cheap apartment not far from here, perfect."

"But you'll facing off against an ex-Huntsman who has 20 years of experience and you only been a vigilante for for three years, are you sure that wise for you to take him on." He said. "This isn't your typical corrupted politician, businessman, or criminal,"

"I know but I think this is a perfect opportunity to really test myself." I said smirking as Junior sighed. "Also, I know I've been a vigilante for about three years but I grew up on the streets most of my life and been training since I... You know."

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you remember of that place." He apologized softly.

"Oh it fine, sure it still makes me upset and I'm stilling trying to get over it but ever since I left I've been on the search." I explained. "Which reminds me, have any leads?"

"Sadly nothing, it also makes it difficult that you haven't seen her in years so she may look completely different, but I'll keep a look out and hope there is someone that resembles her." He offered.

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