Chapter 15: Dealing with a Bully

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-(Y/N) POV-

It's been a couple weeks since Glynda and I hand some 'fun' and her joking my relationship with Blake, and what's still shocks me is that her team also has feeling for me and pretty gave me the approval to go out with them. But she did said if I felt the same way for them so I decided to get to know them a bit more before making up my mind. And over the next few weeks when I'm not a vigilante, me and Blake went on a few more days and her team were glad enough to watch him, and Peach was also glad to watch him during class. But lately Peach has been hitting in me and teasing me making me a bit flustered but I would shake it off and get in my day. Glynda on the other hand, since I'm in a relationship with a professor, let's just say in her class it's and easy A. We went on a few dates in secret but most of the time it would end up with us having sex, not that I mind of course. There were even times where me and her did it in some embarrassing spots. Then there was the situation with Blake's team, over the week I hung out with them, getting to know Weiss, Ruby and Yang.

With Weiss we studied together since she agreed to help me keep my grades up and that if I want to do good as a vigilante, since Ozpin had me do double the work but I haven't told her or anyone about my vigilante life and the only one who really knew was Glynda and Ozpin. Through our little study session, Weiss had a cold heart at first, but later on she started to warm up to me and showing that she was a kind, gentle and intelligent woman. She was had a feisty side that I found attractive, I even called her tsundere at time just to get her riled up and flustered. She even told me that the reason she came to Beacon Academy instead of Atlas was to because she wanted to be as far away from her father, not that I blame her, the guy is an asshole. But she did say she miss her older sister and I asked if she's hot which earned me a slap in the face before getting back to studying.

Then with Ruby she would join me and Weiss's study session to keep up her grades, even though she complains most of the time. But I did promise her that if she'll stay silent and study I would get her anything she wants... probably one of the biggest mistake I've ever made. I spent hundreds of Lien on cookies and the good stuff that like ten Lien for a cookie! I tried to convince her to go for the cheap stuff but her giving me the puppy eyes that I don't think anyone can say no to. In the end I got her cookies and she remain silent eating the cookies while studying. And through the time getting to know her, Ruby is a sweet, innocent girl, that would normally act childish. But not only does she have a big thing for cookies, she has a weapon fetish is what I call it since she adores her Crescent Rose and loves looking at others people weapon. There was a close call when she said that my weapon was very similar to the vigilante and that I have the same color clothes as him. But luckily she believed me when I told her a bow and arrow was a very common weapon as a Huntsman and that a lot of people like the color (F/C).

Then finally, there was Yang and out of team RWBY, she was probably the most interesting one. We spared with each other a few times with her flirting with me and basically throwing her body at me. There was one time where I almost did her right on the spot during one of our sparring session when we were in an awkward position and when she started to... grind on me. Luckily I had enough restrain to push her off and she would pout but went back to her normal self and giving me her smile. And normally after our little spars we would talk about each other getting to know each other more, she was a kind girl with a fire attitude and had the confidence to fight the world. I nearly choked on my spit when she told me about her mother and how she left at a young age, I was shocked that her mother left her but I was more shocked at who her mother was. I decided not say anything to her just yet when I know that she won't kill me. Another thing I learned is I don't want to ever make her mad and you'll know when her lilac eyes turn blood red. I should know because I experienced it first hand. One of the spars we made a bet with each other, if I'd win I'd get to ask out Ruby which I was expecting her to get angry but she was fine with it, guess she know she has a thing for me as well. But if she wins I'd have to take her out on a date which I agreed to since basically Blake gave me the go sign to date her team which wa still weird but I'm sure I can get used to it. But what made her really mad was during the spar I sniped a bit of her hair and when she saw her hair slowly fall to the ground her eyes turned blood red and charged at me in rage. I was caught off guard and couldn't stand a chance as she easily beat me and knocked me out unconscious a few broken bones.

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