Chapter 22: Black Canary

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-(Y/N) POV-

"Come one Wiess, we've been studying all day and it's getting late." I complained looking out to see it's getting dark. Right now me, the Twins and Weiss who was holding Wilson in her arms being fed with a bottle in his hands as we were in the room studying.

"Well these two still need to catch up but for you, maybe if you've done your work instead whatever you do in your free time. And you should feel lucky that I'm helping you study instead of Ms. Goodwitch, especially now that she's... pregnant." She said making me shiver a bit. Don't get me wrong I'm getting used to this dad thing with Wilson and I'm looking forward to my next kid, but now she's getting mood swings and they're not pretty.

"I guess you're right but I really think we should call it a night." I said.

"I don't know, Wilson here doesn't seem to mind." She said playfully, looking down to see Wilson happily drink from his bottle.

"Well he's not the one studying here." I said. "Is there anything that can make you let us go?"

"Hmmm... well we haven't been on a date..." She began.

"You don't count all our private study session a date?~" I asked playfully making her face turn a light shade of red and the Twins giggled.

"T-Those don't count you idiot!" She shouted embarrassed as the twins laughed.

"Wonder what he means by that Melanie." Militia said giggling.

"Oh, I'm sure we both know what he means." Melanie said as Weiss's face turned more red.

"W-We didn't do that you perverts! W-We just studied... which led to us m-making out." She said embarrassed and the twins laughed.

"Okay you two calm down." I said as they calmed down and taking some deep breaths before looking back at Weiss. "I'm just messing with you Weiss, I'd love to go on a date. Does this Friday night sound good?"

"That sounds perfect." She said smiling hug still blushing.

"Good, so can we go now?" I asked making her sigh a bit and handed me Wilson.

"Sure, the others should be back any minute and it's getting pretty late." She said. "Promise me that you will try to study more."

"I'll try." I said chuckling before looking at the twins who gathered their stuff. "You two ready?"

"Yup." They said as I have a quick kiss to Weiss before we headed off to our dorm room. The walk back to the dorm was quiet but we enjoyed each other's company and like normally, the twins were acting quite sexual towards me which I've grown used to. As we walked to our dorm I felt my scroll vibrate as I pulled it out to see an unknown number call me. Thinking it was more news or any updates on the White Fang so I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey (Y/N) it's me Junior." He said.

"Junior? How did you get my number?" I asked.

"The Twins." He said.

"Of course. Anyway, is there a reason you're calling me?"

"Yes there is, some of my men overheard there's a large drug deal going down tonight at one of the warehouse down at the docks here in Vale. I don't know much of the details but from what my men gathered they're selling some sort of drug that makes the person disoriented and hallucinate shit." Junior explained.

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