Chapter 34: Meeting the Belladonnas

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-(Y/N) POV-

"So this is Menagerie?" I asked out loud as I watched use slowly dock the ship from our balcony.

"Yeah, it's quite lovely but since I haven't been here in years maybe some things have changed but I'm sure it's not that bad. Though Menagerie is very crowded since most of the island is uninhabitable, I'm more than certain it got more crowded over the years." Blake answered as she finished gathering our things while Velvet picked up a napping Wilson.

"What about you Velvet? Have you ever been here before?" I asked.

"No I was born and raised in the outskirts of Vacuo and never really been to Menagerie before, I heard mixed things about it but I am excited to explore." She answered as Blake finished getting our stuff together and grabbed some of the backs while I grabbed the rest.

"Me too, so you girls ready?"

"Yes." They said as they walked towards the door or until I realized something.

"Wait!" I shouted as they stopped and turned around to see me pulling out a (H/C) cat headband and placing it on my head. "Is it racist that I'm disguising myself as a Faunus?" I asked.

"A little/Yes." The two girls answered, making me chuckle.

"Who gave that to you and why do you have that?" Blake asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Ozpin, he gave this to me before we left Beacon. Which is a good thing since humans aren't fondly welcomed, especially when there's White Fang members everywhere, so in order to avoid attention he gave me this to help in some way." I explained as Velvet let out a muffled giggle. "What's so funny?"

"Oh it's just you actually look really cute with that thing on." She pointed out with a smile as Blake looked at me and examined me before letting out a giggle of her own.

"She's right, you looked adorable with thoses on.~" They giggled together as my eye slightly twitched in annoyance before a small smile appeared on my face

"I'm now starting to regret this, but you're lucky I love you girls and we're on a mission." I said jokingly. "Plus I feel it would be offensive to you two if I take this off now that you two are messing with me."

"Yes it would." Blake said with a grin and playfully smacked my shoulder. "Though we should get a move one now, might as well head straight to my parents first..."

"Don't worry Blake, me and Velvet will be by your side when you reunite with your parents after these years." I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Plus I think they'll be really happy to see you." Velvet added as Blake couldn't help but smile at them.

"Thanks you two." She said warmly as she then reached up her head and untied her bow, revealing her cute cat eat. "Well at least I don't need to hide these while I'm here,now let's get going." She said with her cat ears slightly twitched which I couldn't help but chuckle, but with that out of the way we exited the room and made our way off the boat.

We exited the boat as we walked the docks and into the outskirts of the city, and upon seeing I can see various shops and many different types of Faunus's, even some I haven't seen at all. We began to walk the busy and crowded streets of the home of Faunus and just looked around, enjoying the scenery if I'm being honest. There were many tropical tees which added to the scenery, the people were out enjoying their day and talked amongst each other and for being so crowded this place seems very clean for the most part. As we continued to walk across the street I looked around and so far no one isn't looking our way which means the fake cat ears are working and no one suspects a thing. But when my eyes landed at Blake next to me, I saw she was looking rather nervous and seemed to be looking around the area, probably to keep and eye out for any White Fang members.

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