Chapter 5: Emerald Forest Part 2

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Sorry for that late update, I've been busy the last few weeks from work and school but I managed to get the chapter done. I'll try to post as much and fast I can but this chapter took awhile since there was a lot of fighting and it took time to write. But enough of that, hope you all enjoy this chapter!


-(Y/N) P.O.V.-

I ran from the Ursa for about a few minutes hoping for it to get bored of me and leave me alone, nope, it's still chasing after me. I even shot a few arrows at to slow it down, it helped but not enough to kill the damn thing, I used most of my arrows on it, they did some damage and slowed it down but it still chased after me as I'm now down to 13 arrows and. Knowing that I won't put run the Ursa and that it won't stop chasing me I have to figure a way to kill it. The Ursa was right behind so I pulled out a grappling arrow and shot it at the top of a tree as it pulled me up right before it tried to bite me. I swung around the tree to get behind the Ursa, when I was behind I let go of and landed on the Ursa's back. It tried to shake me off but quickly turned my bow into its two swords and stabbed them into the Ursa's back so I won't fly off. I then started to repeatedly stab the Grimm as it roared in pain as it slammed its back against tres and into the ground trying to knock me off. I groaned in pain with each and every time I was slammed to the ground and into the trees.

The Alpha Ursa managed to shake me off as I was flung forward with my blades still stuck into the back of the Grimm. I crashed into the ground, the Ursa slashed at me but I rolled over dodging the attack, the Ursa tried to slash at me as I continued to dodge and trying to figure to get my weapon back. I continued to run around and dodge from the Grimm I pulled out two arrows and jump up onto the Grimm stabbing it with the arrows. Using them I climbed back up into its back and grabbed my blades before I jumped back down. The Grimm turned around to face me as I quickly pulled out a flash arrow and shot it directly in face as it exploded in a bright white flash. The Ursa roared as it shook its head, trying to regain its vision from my flash arrow, I detach my bow and turned them into my two swords before I charged at the Grimm.

I jumped on top of it and stabbed it on it back as it roared in pain again and then tried to shake me off again. But the Ursa then stopped its attempt to shake me off as it then ran forward as fast as it could. I stabbed its back a few times getting my blades to go deeper and making sure I don't fall off and as it continued to run forward knocking trees down in the process. I was getting a bit fed up with this Grimm and decided to end it as fast I could. I pulled out my swords and ran up the Ursa back and jumped and landed in front of it as it ran past me.

"Hey, here you going?! I'm right here you stupid Grimm!" I shouted trying to gain its attention.

The Alpha Ursa then stopped before slowly turning around and growled at me before it slowly walked towards me. As it was walking to me I combined my swords again back into its bow form again and pulled out an explosive arrow and readied it. It started to pick up it pace before it started to charge at me as I then aimed my bow at the Grimm as it was getting closer. It roared loudly, opening its mouth and saw the opportunity and fired the arrow at the Ursa. The arrow flew into its mouth as the Ursa head exploded as the body fell to the ground and slid towards me and I jumped out of the way. I landed back to the ground and watch the Ursa's corpse as it started to smoke and disintegrate.

"Finally done with you." I muttered before gripping my bleeding left shoulder which gotten worse and started to walk to the find the abandoned temple. As I walked I saw a cleaning through the forest as I then ran out to see the abandoned temple, walking up to the temple I noticed chess pieces.

'Guess these are the relics.' I thought looking around and noticed a few pieces missing. 'Looks like wasn't the first one here.'

"I see we're not the only ones here." I heard someone said as I looked back I saw Yang and a girl with black hair, ambers color eyes and a bow walking up to me.

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