Chapter 3: The Initiation Begins

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-(Y/N) P.O.V-

I slowly woke up from the sound of someone yelling 'Morning', opening my eyes I looked at who was screaming and saw a ginger haired girl waking up a boy with long black hair with a strand of magenta hair. I let out a tired sigh and looked around and saw sounder waking up and getting ready, probably from the ginger haired girl yelling. 'Since I'm I might as well get ready.' I thought as I went to get up but felt a weight on your chest and something on my arm, looking down my face redden. I saw Ruby clinging onto my right arm and Yang pressed up against me with her head on my chest. My face redden more when I saw her hand a bit too close to my 'sacred area' and my arms wrapped around her waist. Sites it was nice to wake up with two girls next to me but the fact is that I'm in a room full of students that can easily see me with these two, so I decree to act quickly and shook them.

"Ruby, Yang wake up." I said moving a bit as theirs eyes moved as Ruby groaned and opened her eyes and saw she was holding my arm and jumped away.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" She said as her face was all red in embarrassment.

"It's fine but... can you help me with Yang." I pleaded her.

"She doesn't need to help I'm already up." I looked down to see Yang awake looking at me with a smile.

"You were already awake were you?" I asked as she pressed herself closer to me.

"Yup, woke up like this and enjoyed it and didn't want to wake so I just layed here." She said holding onto me tightly.

"Oh... well, we should get some breakfast and prepare for the initiation." I said as she sighed and let go of me.

"I guess you're right. But maybe later we can snuggle together.~" She said seductively.

'Oh boy, she does not give up.' I thought as she let go of me. We went our separate ways to go get changed in our outfits and once I finished getting changed into my (F/C) outfit I caught up with Ruby and Yang. We then made our way to get some breakfast, which was pancakes, and we had small talk except for Yang's constant flirting. After we finished eating we began to walk to our lockers so we can get our weapons in preparation for the initiation. Me and Yang grabbed our weapons, hers were shotgun gauntlets and mine was of course my bow that turned into two swords. Putting my bow and quiver around my back, I made my way to the sisters and walked passed the ginger haired girl as she followed the boy talking about something.

"Wonder what those two are so worked up about?" I heard Ruby asked.

"I don't know but I heard the girl talking about sloths, which is strange." I said.

"Oh, that's is... strange?" Yang turned to Ruby. "So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!"

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or getting-to-know-you stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." She said as she stroked her scythe and she sighs happily.

"Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together." Yang said to her sister as she sighed in frustration.

"You sound like Dad!" Ruby shouted irritated. "Okay, first of all, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!" She said as I chuckled when at the last part.

"What does drinking milk have to do with this?" I asked chuckling a bit.

"My bones get stronger." Ruby answered proudly.

"But what about when we form teams?" Yang asked as Ruby went from proud to nervous.

"Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or something..." She said nervously.

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