Chapter 43: An Unexpected Family Reunion

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Sorry for the very long wait everybody, I will admit I did lose some motivation for this story and took a break from it for quite some time. But after rewatching the show and reading some stories, mostly from another writer MEMEmasterr420, very hilarious writer, I would recommend checking out his other stories, all of which are very enjoyable. I have found inspiration to continue this story again! This is after all my first story so it has a place in my heart and I don't want to completely abandon this story! But other than that I want to say thank you all for being patient with me and hope you all enjoy!


-(Y/N) POV-

Over the past month and a half nothing much has changed or not a whole lot has happened since I came back from Menagerie and talked with Raven who delivered some shocking news to me about my son I didn't know I have. I kept in touch with Raven whenever I could and tried to make plans for her to try and talk to Yang but she either blows it off or chickens out which is still unusual for her but is understandable considering the situation she's in. One thing I'm not looking forward to is her and Yang reuniting with her and finding out my last relationship with Raven and finding out we have a kid together, that'll be fun. Other than trying to get Raven to meet Yang and have her make up for her last mistakes nothing much has happened besides going through classes and preparing ourselves for the Vytal Festival that is just around the corner. When I got back from Menagerie and the girls found out about Blake's pregnancy it was meant with some mixed reactions from them. I mean, they all were positive for Blake but did earn some jealous glances mostly from Yang who pointed out she called dibs for the next one to get knocked up, her words exactly. Weiss jokingly congratulated her for joining the club which surprised us a bit that the ice queen was able to crack a joke, guess the world is coming to end. Jaune couldn't help but sigh in defeat as he handed Ren some Lien beside him who simply smirked and took it from him, counting it making sure it was the correct amount. But other than that things have been pretty calm, attending class, training, and all the usual school stuff, or until I was called to Ozpin's and here we are now.

"Sooo..." Ozpin began, taking a sip of his coffee as I stared at him, sitting in front of him rather uncomfortably. "I see you've been busy as of late."

"I...I don't understand what you mean?" I asked as he looked down at his desk at a small piece of paper before looking back at me.

"I mean the fact you've been busy knocking up my students and staff." He said, narrowing his eyes at me and my eyes widened.

"O-Oh... Ummm... you see..."

"I was fine with Goodwitch and turned a blind eye since she's been through a lot and deserves to start a family and did much work for me. But now you impregnated both Ms. Schnee and Belladonna." He said.

"How... How did you find out?" I asked, feeling myself sweat nervously.

"I got suspicious when Goodwitch requested both Ms. Schnee and Belladonna from participating in any training, which at first I denied but once she gave me that glare..." Ozpin trailed off shivering a bit which I too did the same.

"Tell me about it, and sometimes she takes it to the bedroom." I said.

"I pity you then." He said with a slight grin before coughing in his hand a bit. "Getting back to topic, I approved of her request but was suspicious about those two specifically so when I 'threatened' to give her more paperwork she told me."

"Damn that's cold..."

"Hey, I had to know, the last thing I need is to endanger them and their child." He said.

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