Chapter 18: Trip to Forever Fall Forest

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Before we start on today's chapter I would like to say thank you all for the support! For I have reached 100 followers! I would have never gotten this far without all of your support and I really appreciate it! Thank you all and hope you enjoy the chapter!

-(Y/N) POV-

It's been a few weeks since I started to date Team RWBY and to be honest, I've never felt so happy in my life. Growing up alone I never had anyone other a few people but I either lost them, or we had to part ways or they end up betraying me. But now I'm dating them and having a son I deeply love I feel happy, though I still keep up my vigilante work which is a bit difficult to do when your girlfriends sleep with you. While things been great, there has been a few things been going one. Over the last few weeks Jaune has been close to Cardin and his team all of the sudden and acts like their servant. We grew worried for him but he keeps telling us that everything is fine and that they're friends now... I don't buy it. I would investigate to see why but my mind has been a little preoccupied, lately Glynda has been distant with me and it's started to worry me. I tried to confront her but she would either walk the other direction and hide or ignore me, and it hurts me but I knew that there's something wrong and I will find out. But right now me and Blake were in my dorm and let's just saw we were just finishing up our hours of having fun.~

"Ah~ Ah~ Right there (Y/N) I'm about to cum!" Blake moaned as I thrusted deep in her.

"Me too!~" I moaned as I felt her walls tighten around my member making shoot my load in her as collapsed on each other, breathing heavily.

"Wow... I'm not sure how you do it but each time we have sex it better than the last." Blake said breathing heavily. Over the last few weeks, she has been sexually active, I thought she was in heat but she told me it's still months away and straight up told me she's addicted to having sex with me. I actually taken a bit pride in it and even noticed that Yang is starting to act the same as we too have had sex a couple time, but that's not important right now.

"Heh, Yang says the same thing." I said as Blake chuckled as she cuddled next to me as I stained outside and stared at the shattered moon before turning back to Blake. "We should go to bed, we have that field trip to Forever Fall tomorrow morning." I said as she sighed.

"I guess you're right." She said before a grin appeared on her face before her up sitting on my lap as she grabbed my hands and placed them on her breast. "But cant we go for a few more rounds?~" She asked as I chuckled.

"I think we can go for a few more rounds." I said groping her breast making her moan and the two of us made love what felt like hours.

-Next Day-

My alarm went off as I reached over and slammed my fist on the damn thing before I sat up and looked next to me and saw Blake stir in her sleep before slowly waking up.

"Ugh... why are we up so early." She groaned sitting covering herself with the blanket rubbing her eyes and looked at the clock to see it's 7:00 a.m.

"Well we do have to be at the docks half an hour early and I have to have a chat with Glynda before we leave, I think after having sex last night we could use a shower." I said laying down pulling her towards her kiss her neck.

"You mean take a shower together?~" She asked seductively as I smirked and the two of us made our way to the bathroom and took a shower, not before having fun.~

After taking a shower and getting ready for the day, Blake went back to her dorm as I went to Glynda's dorm to finally confront her. I walked through the hallway before teacher her dorm and knocked at her door and waited for her to answer. I waited for a few minutes for her to answer but nothing, so I knocked again but nothing. So I looked around to see if there was anyone in sight and found none so I went ahead and picked the lock and opens the door silently. Looking in her room I saw her bed was a mess so there's no way she left the room, I walked in closing the door behind me and looked around for until I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. Leaning my head against the door to heard what's inside and it sounded like someone was throwing up, getting worried I opens the door to see Glynda hunched over the toilet. She looked up from the toilet and stared at me with wide eyes.

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