Chapter 35: Shocking Discovery

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-(Y/N) POV-

It's been a few hours since nightfall hit and I still haven't found any leads or spotted the League of Assassins anywhere, not even any White Fang members out on patrol like what Ghira said there was, so the streets are just empty. Guess with high ranking members disappearing they probably are freaking out and are fortifying their hideouts in hopes to escape them. But not only are they scaring the White Fang but also the people of Menagerie since I noticed that there are barely any people wandering the streets.

"Dear Oum this is boring." I muttered in frustration as I jumped roof to roof, patrolling the whole city of Menagerie or any signs or clues but there was nothing. I let out a tired and frustrated as I stood on the edge of the building, ready to head back to Blake's home and call it a night and try again another night. But just before I began to make my way back I heard some sort of commotion below as I looked down to see two Faunus walking rather fast. One looked to be a cat Faunus with gray hair and cat ears while the other was much shorter and looked to be a mouse Faunus with his large brown ears but was mostly hidden with his hair.

"Did we have to come back here Tom?!" I heard the mouse Faunus exclaim to his friend and I noticed that the two seem to be carrying bags. "You do know what would happen if they realize we're leaving right? Adam will want our head on a pike!"

"I know that Jerry! We both know that we have valuable here and don't want to leave them here just for the White Fang to take. That's why we're leaving now where everyone is inside, and with all these assassinations and murder going on the White Fang are not patrolling so this is our best chance and leaving." Tom explained as I couldn't help but smirk knowing that the two may have some information for me.

"Bingo." I said with a smirk and jumped down and landed right in front of them, making them stop in their tracks and beginning to shake in fear. "Hello, boys."

"Shit! It's from the hooded assassins!" Tom exclaimed in fear.

"But he's wearing (F/C) clothes, the other guys wore like black hoods." Jerry pointed out.

"Except that one wearing dark red clothes... and one wearing white or was it grey? I don't remember."

"Looked like a silver color to me but the two were chicks so maybe girls get their own specific color to separate themselves or something," Jerry said as I don't know whether to feel angry or insulted that the two seem to be ignoring me.

"But he's not a chick though. So if he's not with the assassins then that would mean he's..." Tom began to think before it clicked in his head as his eyes widened in shock. "Shit! He's the Hood!" He exclaimed as I let out a frustrated sigh.

"He's supposed to be in Vale! Why the hell is the Hood in Menagerie?!" Jerry asked in fear as the two began to shake in fear.

"For like the billionth time I prefer (C/N), just because I wear a hood doesn't mean that's my damn name!" I growled annoyingly but quickly calmed down knowing I have more urgent matters to deal with than worrying about my name. "But that's not important right now. What is important, however, is I overheard you two talking and that you both are White Fang members, or should I say ex-members."

"L-Look, we're not with the White Fang anymore and don't want any part with them after the whole attack in Vale we were just leaving to start a new life where they can't find us." Tom explained and looked at me beggingly. "So will you let us go?"

"I'll let you two go," I began before I readied my boy and aimed it at them. "After you two answer some of my questions, and you better comply because I'm sure it would be a matter of time before we're spotted and find out you two are leaving."

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